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Things are going much too well. I didn't think it would ever be possible.

I thought I was going to have to hang on to her all my life.

Mother raised me that way.

I always had to follow the rules. If I strayed from the path she had laid out.

She made me the monster of her torments.

She scared me.

Aris doesn't look like her after all, she's far too pure to be like her.

No, she did look like a mother, but not that.

She wanted me to tell her about my past why, it's all behind me. I just don't want to think about it.

Because the one I needed is already with me.

I have nothing to fear anymore.

- Love?

As the elevator doors open. His voice reaches her, I was deep in thought, that voice, it will always reach me.

I turn my head in her direction.

- Yes, little puppy?

She frowns.

- You can't stop calling me that, damn it!

I smile as I enter, and she does the same, touching her hair.

I like that nickname, it represented her well.

Small in stature, big bright eyes, and that overexcited side. That I couldn't have.

Overexcited, her master rewarded her.

In short, a real defenseless little puppy, just waiting for a master capable of protecting her from the outside world.

- What did you want to ask me?

The doors open, she goes out first.

- Would...

She hesitated.

My phone vibrated, but I didn't check it.

My vacation was almost over, so I won't be home as much. I gasp, running my hand through my hair.

She had lowered her head to her feet.

- Ask me when you're ready.

I go around her and take off my jacket, which I throw on the bed.

- It's early in the day, so I'll make you something to eat first. And then we can do whatever you like, in moderation. Unless it's sex.

She goes on.

- No more sex before marriage, my love.

I smile unhealthily.

- Oh, really? Would you like a milkshake?

She glares at me and I burst out laughing.

- I think I'd better prepare my own food from now on, you never know what a certain someone might put in it.

I approach her menacingly, she's no longer backing down from me.

I loved it when she was terrified in front of me.

I put my hands in my pockets, scrutinizing her.

- It might be better, that is, if you can make something edible.

Proudly, she said.

- I know how to make fried eggs. That'll do.

What a comedian.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now