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I sat there, it was so dark I couldn't see my hands, but I kept my eyes open, waiting for her to set me free.

I learned that begging for my life was useless, and I was often locked up, while my brother hid from Mother. And when her back was turned, he'd come and take me out of that cage.

Thinking about it now, I built a similar cage. I was repeating the same patterns.

I'm one copy away from this woman, I'm a grown man, and I couldn't even resist her.

I'm weak.

I can't be saved from her. My brother's gone.

I'm alone, I've once again fallen prey to the woman who raised me.

One monster begets another. She shaped me so that I wouldn't resist her, that I'd follow her every command for the rest of my life. I was formatted like a robot.

Whose only recorded order was to destroy others and do evil.

Aris shouldn't have seen me so pitifully, a man unable to stand up to his mother.

Could she have saved me?

Maybe not.

The door opened and I was dazzled by the light - it wasn't natural light, it must have been dark already.

- My little love, you're allowed to go out, I'm not going to punish you all evening, my son has come home, it would be unpleasant to stay angry.

- Yes, Mother, I'm sorry I behaved badly.

She approaches me and caresses my face.

- You're a good boy.

His smile plunged me back into that moment of torment.

I rub my neck, my hand runs over my slightly swollen skin this mark she had made for me to remind me who I belonged to, and never could I belong to anyone else.

But I wanted, not this life, that's why I left, but my demons were catching up with me, so I ended up coming back to her for comfort.

Comfort without love.

Just icy coldness, blackening my soul again.

- We need to have a talk, especially about this woman, is she the one who ruined your face?

How did she know about Aris, I hadn't let on?

I get up to go around her, and she grabs my arm.

I must protect Aris and our child. She can't know anything, take my arm away violently.

- Stay away from her, or I'll kill you.

She smiled.

- So there was a woman, you wouldn't be in this state, it wasn't the case.

This time, she steps around me to get out.

- I wouldn't do anything to her, tell me about her.

My eyes open wide, why did she change her mind. It wasn't in her habits.

I come out on my guard.

- Mother, you really wouldn't do anything to her?

She sat down on a chair and beckoned me to come and sit beside her.

I took a chair facing her, the further away I was the safer I felt.

She smiled under my suspicion.

- What's her name?

- Why, Mother?

Her hand ran through her hair, a tic I reproduced when I was trying to contain my emotions, to explode.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now