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The journey was silent, she looked out of the window, we couldn't do anything. We hadn't even stayed 1 hour.

I hadn't been able to enjoy her in that dress either, she looked so beautiful in it.

- Aris...

She won't turn her head. Damn.

I turn my attention back to the road, an idea passing through my mind. We'll go back later.

Mother, I've found the solution to make her smile again.

I drive on for about twenty minutes. Then I stop near a park.

- We're going down!

She murmurs as I do what I tell her.
I position myself in front of her, don't look at me, and speak.

- It's been a terrible evening, but there's no reason to go home totally disappointed.

I offer her my hand. I see her looking at me puzzled.

- Until you get it, we can't enjoy the show.

She hesitates for a few moments, then finally grabs it, and I smile victoriously.

Holding her hand, we set off down a dimly lit path, but I knew exactly where I was going.

She couldn't hold a grudge against me after that.

I see she's having trouble walking, so I stop.

- Put your arm around my neck.

I didn't like this way of doing things, I always took the things I wanted by force.

From now on, I'd do everything I could to make her see me differently.
Being the obsession of her daily life.

- I'd rather walk," she said curtly.

It wasn't going to be easy. She was already getting in my way.

- Okay, tell me if you're having trouble, I'll carry you.

The place I was taking her to was beautiful. I used to come out here to get some fresh air before I met her.

- Why are you changing your behavior like this?
Her voice was detached, she asked the question without really being interested in it.

Why did I change?

- When I first saw you, I wasn't sure you were real, I felt like I was hallucinating.

She was still holding my hand, and I smiled, loving to feel her warmth.

My body was crying out for more, but now was not the time to think about that. We just needed a quiet moment to get to know each other. To show her that I'm what she needs.

- I wanted to come and talk to you, but something new twisted my insides. Fear, my legs refused to move towards you.

She remained silent.

I wanted her to understand the depth of my obsession. This burning desire that consumes me every moment I set eyes on her face.

When I looked into her eyes, I saw confusion.

- You make me weak, I don't know if I like it, but I know I'd only let you make me like this.

I stopped, we'd arrived.

- I hope it'll make for a beautiful painting.

She takes her eyes off me to look at the view.

His body relaxed, and a smile stretched his face.

The view was breathtaking, the city lights shining like billions of stars.

But I couldn't take my eyes off her.

It sparkles in her pupils.

I wish I could die looking at it.

- It's so beautiful.

- You're beautiful.

She turns her head in my direction, squinting,
her dimples stood out slightly.

She's my favorite picture in the world.

The wind was starting to blow, she shivered, I was still holding her hand, wondering if she was deliberately letting me hold her a little longer or was just more comfortable with me.

It didn't matter if I could keep holding her. That was enough for me.

I can hear her teeth starting to chatter.

- Do you want to go home?

- No, I want to stay a little longer, please.

I smiled, it had worked.

Mother, you always give good advice.

I pull her against me. Her back comes up against my chest. Surprised, she raises her head to look at me.

- Let's just enjoy the view, I wouldn't do anything else.

She couldn't take her eyes off me, and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears.

- Why your parents, your name Love?

I look away, embarrassed. She always asks questions at the wrong time. I breathe.

- It's Mother who calls me that, I hate that name.

She turns to face me, still glued to me, clutching my shirt with her small hands.

- If you hate your name, why don't you just change it?

I can't do it.

- No matter how much I hate it, it's my mother who gave me this name, and it would be an affront to her to change it.

- Do you love your mother, Love?

I frown at the question.

Do I love, mother?

I think at some point I must have loved her, I can't remember exactly.

- It's you I love, little puppy," I say teasingly.

She raises her eyes to the sky, smiling wryly.

A drop of water falls on her forehead, she stiffens.
It was starting to rain.

- We should go, you might get sick.

I release her grip and start to move forward.

She catches up with me and grabs my hand.

Surprised by her action, I lock eyes with her. Questioning her with my eyes.

- I'm afraid of falling, the shoes aren't very stable. She says, looking away.

- Do you want me to carry you?
- No, they're not.

She pauses

- I'd rather walk beside you.


What a cute little puppy.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now