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My phone vibrates on the desk.

I turn to see if it had woken her up, it hadn't, I breathe a sigh of relief, she was fast asleep.

I caress her face gently. A groan escaped her lips, and she finally rolled over.

I hadn't even gotten up when my phone rang, I pestered as I looked at the screen.

The name on it relaxes my face, a smile even forming on my lips.

- Love?

I turn my head in her direction, she's rubbing her eyes as she looks at me. The bastard had woken her up with his call.

- Go back to sleep.

I kiss her temple before leaving the room.

My phone rings again this time, I pick it up.

- It's hard to get you. But then, I'm not surprised, since you like living underground like a mole, little brother.


- What do you want, Nov? Do you realize what time it is? Frankly, I want to gut you for waking us up.

He pauses for a moment before speaking again.

- What about us? he asks. Since when have you...

- What do you want," I repeated more aggressively.

He clears his throat before continuing.

- I can't talk about it on the phone, but I'll send you a picture. Get it ready for tomorrow.

He seemed to be in a car, there was a lot of noise.

Especially the voice of a woman complaining.

- Will you shut up, Maryam?

As subtle as ever, I hear this Maryam start to insult my interlocutor, and he laughs at her insults.

- Let's get together tomorrow and talk, and then how's Mother?

I ignore his question and hang up.

My phone vibrates again, a photo of a girl. She was quite young, even younger than Aris.

I feel arms around my waist.

- Are you planning to come back when I start to feel cold?

Smiling, I turn to look into her eyes.
She'd let herself go more since we'd done it.

Maybe that had nothing to do with it, she could paint again and regain a certain freedom.

- You'll have to come with me, because with your kamikaze skills, I can't let you destroy the house.

She lets out a slight laugh, then pulls away from me.

- Where are we going?

I put my fingers in her fascinated dimples, I beg you don't stop smiling.

She took my hands in hers, then questioned me with her eyes.

It's mine for God's sake.

I could feel my heart beating, I just hope she can't hear it, so it sounds like an orchestra is playing timpani in my ribcage.

Get a grip!

- In a family restaurant, I have to meet someone.

Now that I was awake, it was going to be difficult to get back to sleep.

- Do you want to do anything in particular or go back to sleep?

She seems to be thinking for a few minutes. I'd like to be lying with my head between her legs.

Seeing her panting, but she had her period, how long had it been again?

1 week was going to be a long time.

When I'm done, I'll make her lots of children.

- I want to play chess.

I raised my eyebrows, she really wanted to play this now. Why not a game where you don't think?

The problem was, I had one, but no matter how hard I tried to understand the rules. I could never win and this game belonged to my father.

- We can cuddle in front of the TV too.

- By playing chess, she added?

I pout and look away.

She ended up laughing out loud at the look on my face.

- Are you afraid of losing?

I pretend not to have heard, heading for the games room.

- That's it, you don't know how to play, I can teach you my Love.

I turn around at the nickname, too comfortable, and squint.

- Stop laughing, this game is complex and slightly boring.

She continues to laugh.

- That's a loser's phrase.

I make an offended face, then end up laughing with her.

I hold up my phone to look at the time.

3 a.m.

I sit down on the wide sofa, huffing and puffing.

- We can watch a movie, do you want to eat something in front of it?

She climbs on top of me, looking straight into my eyes.

- I want to eat you.

Holy shit!

Since when has she been so enterprising, she's putting my heart to the test today.

I swallow hard as she starts to move closer to my face.

I'm about to kiss her when she bursts out laughing. I frown, she was having fun with me.

- You're provoking me, it's not without consequences little puppy.

I grab her hips and sit her against my erect cock.

A perverse smile passed over my face as I saw her start to stand up, but I held her back firmly.

- It was a joke, you can let go. I'd rather drink a milkshake. With lots of whipped cream and Chamallow.

I giggle.

- If you let me lick the whipped cream off your body, I'll make you some.

She tries to get off again this time, I bury my head in her neck.

- I like my scent on you.

She says nothing, it felt good to have some silence, just the sound of her heart in my ears.

I want to hear that melody, every time I'm against her.

- I'll get my computer and make you a few things, choose the movie you want. I know you taste good.

I release her, then stand up once she's down.

- If you don't hurry, I'll start without you," she says, her eyes sparkling.


my mind whispers.

She could still try to escape, so stay on your guard.

Clever girl.

I wonder if it's a good idea to take her with me later. I prefer to keep an eye on her.

I like being the center of her attention, but I was getting bored. I'd like to spice things up.


You're not so useless after all.

Very funny.

Before fetching my computer, I went into the dressing room, rummaging in a drawer, the tablets lying before my eyes.

A smile spreads across my face. I can't wait to see how her body reacts.

I'm going to overdose to make it last longer.

This promises to be interesting.

My little puppy, we're going to have an emotional time!

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now