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I had taken hold of her lips, literally devouring them. She moaned slightly as she tried to push me away. I'd been wanting to do this for a while.

But how would she have perceived it. I don't want love between me and her, just a hierarchy where I'm at the top of the pyramid and she's at the bottom.

Without warning, she hit me between the legs, I released her then fell to the ground holding my privates.

- You bitch! I swear you're going to regret what you've just done.

She ran off and I got up, still in a lot of pain.

Before I could catch her, it was locked in the bathroom.

- Open this door, Aris! I shouted

On the other side, I could hear the shower running, she had just ignored me royally.

All right, I was going to dismantle all the doors in this shack, so she wouldn't be able to lock herself in anywhere.

Annoyed, I dashed off to get some equipment to remove the doors.

1 h that I'm there, she still hasn't left the room, she was the last to be removed, I'd even taken the time to clean up the mess she'd made in the dressing room.

I started unscrewing the doors, and was almost at the last screw when she opened the door and fell into a monster crash.

Aris, on the other hand, had just missed being crushed by it.

She glared at me, trying to find a way out of the room without me catching her.

I was in the doorway blaze, so she had nowhere to fall back to except maybe the room she was in, but I was sure I'd be faster than her.

But she was pretty smart, so I had to watch out for her like the plague.

- You know, I wanted to be lenient with you, but it has to be said that your provocation can only do you a disservice.

She smiled.

- You can't do any worse than you did Love.

I let out a laugh that echoed around the room.

- Oh little puppy, I guess you haven't done enough research on me, I'm merciless, not even a few hours ago. I stabbed a customer who couldn't stay in his place. Would you like me to show you how I did it?

I advance towards her threateningly, instinctively her body recoils, she's just wearing a long t-shirt she must have nicked from my dressing room.

I raise my hand.

She raises her arm to shield her face.

I smile at this action and grasp her chin between my fingers.

She lifts her leg to take another swing at me, but this time I stop her by lifting her leg.

- You didn't think it would work a second time, did you?

- Love, please. Beg such.

I squint, giggling, then caress her face - the cheek where I'd thrust my blade. She shudders.

- Shh, I'll show you how a dog should behave towards his master.

Without wasting a minute, I pull her by the hair and take her to my favorite room in the house.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now