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- You know, little puppy, I used to love the sound of your voice. It used to be soft and comforting. But now it's just a false note in my ears.

He's lost his mind, I can't save him now. I have to think of myself first.

He'd be able to kill me now.

I had to wait. The right moment to make him listen to reason already. To get him to untie me from the ceiling.

He gags me before I can utter a word.

- Where should we start?

He rubs his chin, thinking.

I had to stop crying, but my tears wouldn't stop.

Turning, he sits down on a chair opposite me.

My mind was foggy, I was tired, my arms ached like hell.

- How about a game of cat and mouse?

He wanted to play, this couldn't be something healthy.

- I'll explain the rules.

He's a monster, please may the gods of this earth save me.

- First of all, you're going to be able to move anywhere you want in the house, as long as I don't find you.

Was this really a game? He wanted to scare me. I had to be brave, he wasn't gentle with punishment. My body was paying a high price.

- Secondly, if you can go more than 30 minutes without me finding you, you won't get any punishment today.


- Thirdly, if I find you, I'm going to strangle you until you pass out and then...

He smiled.

- Secondly... It'll be a surprise, I'll have to wait for you to wake up little puppy.

He stared at me for a few minutes without saying a word, was he lost in thought?

Did he regret what he was doing?

I wanted to talk to him and understand.

When he was like that, he looked like a completely different person.

Was it another personality?

Maybe there were two Loves.

One who really loved me. And the other was just a heartless monster.

- Little puppy, no more feelings will reach me. If I killed you by strangling you, I'd keep you as decoration. To remember him, the good times we spent together.

I hate him.

No, you love the gentle Love, I remind you that you gave yourself to him.

My heart twisted in my ribcage.

I was starting to run out of air; I'd never had a panic attack in my life.

He wouldn't budge one iota, just leaving me in my torment.

Love is coming back, love me again.

I have little of this other you.

My vision was blurred, my eyes had closed.

A hand caressed my face.

I opened my eyes with difficulty.

He stood before me, his face closed, no emotion left.

Why, who the hell is her mother, it's all her fault.

It destroyed her.

But... Is she still alive?

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now