Passion Bruning

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Dressed only in jogging bottoms, I watched her every move on the cameras.

She was still in the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. She sat curled up in a corner of the room.

1 hour had passed since I'd left, and she hadn't moved. I smiled and stood up, leaving my room.

Standing in front of her, I looked at her; she'd heard me come in and was staring at me with black eyes.

- Keep looking at me with those black eyes, I promise the last thing you'll see will be my face before I poke them!

I approached her with a heavy step, crouching down but still overlooking her. Let's face it, I was either really tall, or she was really short.

Measuring just 1.53 cm, she was really a scared little puppy. I hold out my hand in her direction, she swings her arm towards my face, a sharp pain gripping my right cheek.

She jumps on me, putting a chisel to my throat.

I burst out laughing, my face bleeding.

- Little puppy, you want revenge, go ahead, but good luck getting out of here alive.

Every hour, I had to enter a code to prevent the house from imploding.

- Who the hell are you? Ask such

Still laughing out loud, staring at her. She was on top of me, towel around her body, pressing her buttocks against my cock.

This turned me on, so I grabbed her arm and flipped her over, gluing her body to the tiles. Leaving the scissors under my neck

- You know, I've been watching you for a long time Aris Danger. I know you'd never hurt anyone, even if they do the worst things to you, you always hold out hope that you can change people. That's why I chose you.

The wound on her cheek drips onto her face.

Sticking out my tongue, I come to lick, it plays, giggling.

- How long have you been spying? She says confused.

I stop laughing and look serious, detailing his face.

I'd had enough of her questions, I twist her arm to make her let go of the scissors, she squeals in pain.

- The rules here are dictated by me, little puppy, things are totally different from the outside world, love has no place here, I'm all violence and cruelty.

She couldn't get a word in edgewise, my cock throbbing against her intimacy.

But a punishment would be more appropriate to the situation: she'd just ruined my face.

That beautiful face, which my loving mother had taken so long to shape for me.

Oh mother, I'd so like to break your neck into a thousand fragments again. My lips stretch into a smile at the thought.

- my little puppy, you've been naughty, you deserve to be punished.

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