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I had to calm my excitement or she'd see right through me. Given the dose I was going to use, it would probably last all day. Maybe even more.
Not for a moment would I give in to her pleasures.

I want her begging for tears. She'd be at my feet, rubbing herself like a bitch in heat.

I took out the tablets and slipped them straight into the glass.

Moving towards the sofa, I handed her the glass with a smile.

- Thank you," she says, returning my smile. I sit down beside her, my eyes on the TV.

I hear her take a few sips before setting the glass down on the coffee table. The film she'd chosen was a romantic comedy.

Love, love, love!

I shouldn't have let her choose. I turn my head in his direction, then put my gaze on his face, detailing it had become instinctive.
I loved it, the shape and the dimples that appeared every time her jaw contracted or she smiled.

- Do you really like this kind of movie?

She stirred beside me, her eyes still on the screen. The tablets should take effect in a short while.

- Not especially, but it allows me to see the potential love you've wrested from me.

I squinted, then shrugged as I looked back at the screen. What she'd just said still stuck in my head.

A potential love, that I would have snatched from her...

What exactly would I have deprived him of?

I rather think I freed her from that world that was ready to devour her without me, she would have fallen into a bottomless pit and never been able to rise to the surface.

Aris, you're wrong, I saved your life. I've always wanted what's best for you.

- It's hot, she says

She took another sip of her drink, fanning her face.

I shrugged it off, my mind bubbling.

- I don't think it was particularly hot.

I was wearing jogging bottoms and a T-shirt-less jacket. It was open, and the room temperature was quite low.

Living underground, the temperature tends to stay cool.

- I feel like I'm in a volcano.

Her face was slightly flushed, she was holding her glass in her hands and drinking the whole thing.

I couldn't help smiling.

- Would you like a cool glass of water?

She looked at me, her pupils dilated, and seemed out of breath. Her eyes were starting to moisten.

- Love...

She could hardly speak, the words refusing to leave her mouth.

Her hands came to rest on my jacket, which she clutched tightly.

I was getting a hard-on just looking at her, and all that was left was for her to beg me to give her pleasure.

- Is everything all right?

I caress, it plays, her body spasms. I took it off, pretending to be surprised.

- Can you... help me into the bathroom?

I want to be able to see her every expression. I don't want to miss a thing.

I even want to see her pleasure herself, to try and calm her excited body.

- You'd better lie down, you don't look your normal self.

- No! she says, almost screaming.

She bows her head in embarrassment.

- Please, my head's spinning and I'd like to take a cold shower.

I nod, holding out my hand to help her up, and she tries to do it on her own, but I hold her back by the waist.

It was fucking nice to see.

- Don't put your hands on me every time you touch me, my skin burns," she moans.

I help her to her feet, moving away from me to keep a safe distance, her body trembling with excitement.

Her body will feel all the sensations twice as strong. It's quite an interesting experience.

I can't wait to see how long she'll last before coming to rub herself on me in heat.

Her eyes were already detailing what was under my jacket.

His body was calling out to mine.

- Explain to me exactly what you're feeling, and I'll help you into the shower - you're in no condition to do it on your own.

- My skin burns, I feel like I'm in an oven, and...

She didn't finish her sentence.

- And?

She moves closer to me and slides her hands down my torso towards my cock.

- I'm excited, Love.
She then takes my hand and runs it up her t-shirt directly into her bare chest.
I could feel her nipples hardening with desire.

I remove my hand and step back, she frowns.

- I'll take you to the bathroom, then you can blame me for taking advantage of the situation.

- No, I wouldn't blame you, let's do it.

I wanted to jump on her and rip off all the clothes she was wearing, to put my lips on every inch of her body.

This one would be caught trembling and begging me to relieve it.

- You're not in your right mind. I'll get you a glass of water.

I had to resist, I had a hard-on like crazy. My little puppy, beg me on your knees.

I start to walk towards the kitchen, but I can't help but stop when she pushes me onto the sofa.

She came and positioned herself astride me.

- Love, you often ask me to fuck and now you refuse when I do. You're so insolent.
I'm going to punish you.

She presses her lips to mine and moans escape. Every time she moved her hips on my cock.

She rubbed herself on it, let out an annoyed grunt and then took her hands off my mouth, lifting up her t-shirt to send it tumbling.

It could have been right in front of my eyes, I was dying to run my tongue over it and suck it.

- Looks like I'll have to tell you what to do too, you naughty boy.

I raised an eyebrow in surprise, her personality had changed completely, she was full of unfulfilled desires. And if I didn't do what she wanted, she'd take by force.

- I think...

She put her mouth on mine again, as if to shut me up.

I didn't mind the situation at all, even though I'd provoked it and was enjoying myself. But I had to titillate her some more.

I almost take her by force.

-Aris, calm down, you should rest. You seem to have a fever, you're delirious.

Her face closed, she stood up and staggered off down the corridor.

Did I come on too strong?

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now