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She'd finally fallen asleep, her body still as hot as ever.

That was one hell of a fuck.

Maybe I should take some aphrodisiacs next time too, who knows what would happen.

She'd passed out, her body exhausted. I'd put her to bed and she hadn't woken up since.

Still, I kept an eye on her. It was more like fatigue accumulated over the hours.

It was now 7 a.m. and I was back at work.

I was exhausted, but I couldn't afford not to do her documents, the trial was at the beginning of next week, and I also had to make this fake passport for this girl.

Why did Nov need this all of a sudden, and who is she?

She looks so young.

I heard movement behind me and turned around.

Aris's eyes were open, but his head was still resting on the pillow.

- Feeling better?

She grabs the pillow beside me and throws it in my direction, and I catch it right in the face.

- Don't ever drug me again, Love!

I smile, standing up and taking my place on the edge of the bed.

- Dare you say you hated everything that happened?

She pulls the blanket up over her face as some memory comes back to her, she must have been blushing.

- Everything that's happening is your fault.

I pull the blanket down over her face and kiss her.

She puts her arms around the back of my neck to accentuate our kiss.

- It was a blessing in disguise, considering you agreed to marry me. I say, pulling away from her lips.

Her eyes open wide, had she really forgotten?

She pulls away from me, then straightens.

- You asked me to marry you? I wasn't in my right mind, so...

- Look at your hand. I cut her off.

She raises her left hand in front of her eyes. Staring at her, I said nothing.

- It doesn't matter that you weren't in your normal state, now you're going to be my wife, there's no going back.

Her gaze settles on me. She finally gasped at my determined stare.

- Okay, but if I became your wife, would I be freer?

Freer? Did she want to go out again, in this unforgiving world?

I don't know.

I don't want anyone else to lay eyes on her.

Mother, should I agree to give her some light?

You don't trust me.

- For a start, it won't be if you become one, but you will be. Aris, you're mine, your freedom, you must earn it. You've already tried too many times to escape.

She bows her head in disappointment, and I take hold of her chin and raise it to look at me.

- If you behave today, I'll think about it.

I stand up, stretching.

- I've still got work to do, try to get back to sleep, it's still early.

She nods as she lies back down, and I'm dying to join her. 

But I couldn't, so I grabbed my glasses and went back to work.

My wife.

Forever, I wanted to see her in her wedding dress, walking towards me. Looking only at me.

She'd be beautiful.

- How old are you, Love?

Her voice reaching my ears, I don't turn around.

- Why am I 28?

It took her a few minutes to answer, maybe she'd fallen asleep.

- I'm only 23, marriage is early...

It's true that we could be engaged for now, but I'm not going to wait forever either.

- We can wait until you're 24.

I smiled, her birthday was coming up.

- Would you do that for me?

I turn to look at her, your birthday's coming up, puppy, so I won't wait long.

She huffed and puffed.

- It was so beautiful...

I put him back in front of my desk.

- Love, when you told me you loved me, did you really mean it?

She remembered that, but not my proposal.

Mother, am I allowed to love him?

I want to love her.

You always say to cherish what's yours more than your own life.

You should meet her, she's exceptional.

Soon, Mother, she will bear my children.

- I want to love you Aris, I want to be the only one for you.

I didn't turn around to tell her, was I confessing feelings that had always been there, I didn't know.

But it had to be clear enough for her to understand.

- My eyes and my heart see only you, no matter where you are in this world, I know that the melody you give off will beat in my ears. And that will allow me to find you

She straightens up and takes her knees between her arms, then rests her head on them.

- I wish you'd told me this before, you wouldn't have had to take me away.

You make me vulnerable, Aris. I'm violent and cruel. I couldn't bear to have you taken away from me.

You're my fucking world.

Mother put you in my path, and I have to continue it with you if you don't agree.

I wanted things to be different. But you don't realize how much the other men wanted you.

Only I can have you.

You can only love me.

I'm your world.

Aris, it all started because you looked at me, it only lasted a split second, but I knew I'd be you for life.

That day, I came back to the college several times to give classes, but mostly to bump into you, even if it was only for a few minutes.

I even jostled you on purpose, so we could have a brief interaction.

You weren't looking ahead, and you collided directly with my torso.

You were tiny.

A real little puppy.

Your voice was so soft.

You apologized as you picked up your gear, even leaving traces of your work on your face.

You smiled at me and apologized again.

But I'd lost my nerve, just stood there staring at you.

If going back in time was possible. I'd go back to the exact moment I met you.

Your bright face in my dark, black world.

I had to have you.

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