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To die here would be destiny.

I want her to stay with me.

No matter what state she'd be in, I'd never set her free.

- Love? She calls.

I don't know, she should understand I wasn't playing. I wouldn't be understanding anymore.

The punishment hadn't gone on long enough, I was still as angry as ever. I don't want to give her the satisfaction.

I'd already restrained myself from getting under her skin. But if I had, I wouldn't have had a toy anymore.

Mother would have been disappointed, me destroying a brand-new toy.

My phone vibrated again, cutting off the music I'd started to calm myself, but it wasn't having the desired effect on me. I was still boiling.

I'll take the call.

- Mister Braham? Hello, we're ready for the trial, Mr. Joy is out of the hospital. We've also taken matters into our own hands regarding the fact that you were assaulted in your office.

- Laïla, you know I like a job well done, and right now it's excellent. How about a reward?

- Thank you, sir. I'd be delighted.

Smiling behind my phone.

I was just going to use it to take out my frustration.

- You're still at the office. Wait for me in my office. I'll be there in 30 minutes.

- Well sir be careful on the road.

I love his dedication.

- I forgot, take off your underwear.

- Yes, sir.

I hang up, unplug my laptop and head for the dressing room.

- Love... Can I go out now?

I put the computer on a chain and face the cage.

She looks at me in total incomprehension.

- I'm sorry about earlier, can we...

I cut her off abruptly.

- No, I've got nothing to say to you! Just the fact that you're talking to me makes me puke.

She was shocked. Her head sinks to the floor.

- Just enjoy the show.

I leave without looking back.

I take the elevator up to my car. Before going outside. I set up the security system.

She no longer had the key to get out, so I didn't have to worry about anything.

I drive off, quickly.


He was gone, I had no way of getting out of the cage, I was cramped. It's impossible to go back to sleep in the position I'm in.

Why does he change personality like that, going from sweet and funny to violent and mean?

He hasn't answered my question about his mother, I absolutely must learn more about him.

I want to save him, he gave the impression he didn't want to be saved.

All I could do was wait. Let him come back and try to reason with him.

The computer made a noise, a session on the screen.

L'imagine n'était pas net, elle se stabilise.

Love, with another woman, was climbing on top of him, starting to move her hips.

My face decomposes, he abandons me for another why? Because I refused to sleep with him.

Love, why are you doing this to me? I thought you loved me...

Moans filled the room, I couldn't look at the screen any longer, I put my hands over my ears to plug them, I didn't want to hear anything either.

I roll into a ball, why did I feel this way?

I couldn't desire my kidnapper, not him, he'd hurt me too much. And even now, he continued.

I don't know how long it lasted, but my head was on my lap. My eyes must have been red.

What if he left me here to die and never came back?

Doesn't he love me anymore? No way, he'll come back, he won't leave me.

I'm scared.

I threw the bowl against the computer, which flew to the ground.

Love, it's me you mustn't love anyone else!


She must have seen everything that was going on, so I was less frustrated.

But my mind was still on her.

I was suffocating, the elevator descended and opened onto the corridor.

I entered the dressing room, my head resting on her lap as she sat on the floor.

The computer was overturned on the floor.

I blew out my breath, then made my way to the cage door, which I opened.

- Get out!

She straightens her head and throws herself into my arms.

- Love!

Surprised, I didn't know what to do with my arms.

Should I take her in my arms or just do nothing?

- What's the matter with you? I thought you'd never respond to my desires.

She sniffs down my neck, why was she in such a state, not a few hours ago, I could have died to lay even a hand on her body.

- You love me, don't you? So don't leave me, don't go and see that woman again.

I was dreaming, she wanted to give herself to me, why was this a machination on her part?

- Why should I do what you want of me?

She didn't answer, her arms were still hanging on my neck, she was on the point of her feet.
I could feel her breasts pressing against my chest. I look down at her.


The blanket was no longer over her body, she was completely naked against me.

- What would you do for me, little puppy?

Her eyes were red, how long had she been like this.

My hand wipes her cheeks.

- I..

she murmured.

- I'll stay with you Love, and give you what you want.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now