A Farewell

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She wanted to paint on me, and I'm not particularly ticklish, but this proposal really excited me.

I'm discovering new things with her. Things I never thought I'd do with a woman, I usually dominate.

But the fact that she leaves me no choice, I'm in ecstasy.

She's unique, I could never love anyone else.

My life would be meaningless if she left me.

As the elevator descended, she asked me where the painting equipment was.

I'd set up the special room for her to put her world in.

Take off your clothes," she says, turning back to me.

I'm melting down, I want to do everything she tells me.

I comply, feel her eyes trailing over my pecs, she bites her lips.

I'd like to suck on them to turn her red.

She had prepared all kinds of brushes and paints.
I was standing in front of her completely naked, and I wasn't the least bit embarrassed. I even loved it.

- Let's get started," she says.

Taking a long-haired brush, then comes to blindfold her with a cloth.


Her footsteps were discreet; I could barely hear them. I waited, but nothing came.

I wanted to feel her hands on my body, the fact that I couldn't see her made me a little tense.

I was impatient, she had to feel it.

- You're getting impatient, My Love," she murmured against my ear.

Could I answer her?

Then I felt the brush on my skin, I shivered.

It was cold and pleasant at the same time, I wanted to see her face her expressions, if her craving was as high as mine.

I fidget in the chair.

- Well, I know one who's excited, a real horny little dog.

Fuck, this was torture, the brushes caressed my body, and the paint brought a freshness, I had to be covered in paint.

Not being able to express my desire by looking at her frustrated me.

- You're gorgeous.

Really? I want to see, let me see.

Still blindfolded, she hadn't touched me directly with her hands, I wanted to feel them on me.

But then something else came into direct contact with my desire, her lips surrounding it.

She was fucking sucking it in, my body jerking as her hot tongue brushed my glans.

Let me talk, let me tell you how much I love what you're doing to me.

I was about to come when she stopped.

She'd just frustrated me even more.

She's out for revenge, this woman is formidable.

I love it, goddess lord let me have it some more.

- I want to know if it would look good on you, with pecs like yours it could only look good.

What's she talking about?

I couldn't hear her anymore, had she left?

Or this?

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now