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- You still won't let me go?

I lifted my head from my plate and put it on her face, my cheek filled with tomato sauce.

I'd like to run my tongue over it, but she had a fork in her hand, so I'd be in for a rough time.

Of course she's already ruined my face. Mother would have locked him up in the dark for days.

- Are you on familiar terms with me now?

She frowns, then giggles slightly, and I rest my back on the backrest, crossing my arms over my chest.

- We've become more than intimate, so we can skip the formalities.

- I tilt my head skeptically. From now on, it wasn't going to make any difference, she was still just a vulgar little puppy whose suffering I was going to enjoy inflicting on her.

- Do what you want, just try to eat properly!

She glared at me.

- What's up?

She bellows.

- I remind you that you broke my dominant hand, so you're in no position to say that to me, Love.

I sneer.

- Oh, you want me to peck you, you poor thing.
I say, pretending to be worried.

She raises her left hand and gives me a masterful finger.

- Stay away from me, because this fork will go straight into your head.

I move closer, mocking her, she threatens me with her eyes.

- Stop eating, instead of talking nonsense, you wouldn't even have enough strength to raise your arm to my face.

She looks at me for a few seconds before going back to eating, continuing to put food everywhere. I gasp in annoyance.

I finally get up and walk over to the radio. I press the button, the music starts up with a slight crackle.

"Hey, hey, hey, lover
You don't have to be a star
Hey, hey, hey, lover
I love you just the way you are

"For love is just the same
Without fortune and fame
Just give me true love and understanding
True love and understanding"

"Hey, hey, hey, lover
You don't have to be a king
Hey, hey, hey, lover
You don't have to have a thing"

- Hey, hey, hey, lover. I sang, closing my eyes,

She was strangely calm for someone who'd wanted to die just a few hours ago.

I hadn't hated it, on the contrary, but the whole thing was suspicious.

She couldn't have resigned herself so easily, she must have had an idea in the back of her head, obviously, I'm a player. I'll let her get to the end of this one.

I opened my eyes and found her standing in front of me, her fork pointing straight at my eyes.

I smile, discreet and a little crazy, I love it.

- How am I going to look into your beautiful eyes if you poke mine?

She opens her eyes in surprise.

- You love my eyes so much, though...

I cut her off.

- The first time I saw them, it was as if time froze around me, in that moment, you became my world, there was nothing but you, now that I own you, I'll never let anyone lay eyes on you again.

She had lowered her arm and was listening attentively.

- Yet you said I was stupid to believe what you told me, now you're lying to me again?

I slide my fingers over her slashed cheek.

- I said you were a fool to think I was sorry, I feel no regret, not an ounce of guilt, for anything I've ever done. If that's what it takes to make you look only at me, then I'll play the villain.

She looked at me in total incomprehension

- I can't love you, you've hurt me too much.

I sneer.

- I'm not asking you to love me, far from it, I want you to belong to me with all your being, whatever feelings you may have towards me, as long as it makes you stay wisely close to me, I wouldn't have to be violent with you.

I stop touching her and move away from her, my heart was beating much too fast, I wasn't supposed to feel any emotion.

Mother, I'd be furious to learn that I love someone else more than her.

- Go and rest, you look like a corpse.

I leave the room with my heart pounding.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now