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She had to follow me to my room; the room was huge, but her presence made it strangely narrow.

- Why are you coming to my room?
I said, running my hand through my hair without looking at her.

Why was my heart beating so fast, I was sweating, I had to get some fresh air. Away from her just for a few moments.

Without waiting for her answer, I got up and grabbed my pack of cigarettes.

- Can I come with you?

I stop dead in my tracks and look over my shoulder at her.

- No!

Offended, she stands up.

- Please, I'm suffocating here Love.

- What the hell!

I turn back to her threateningly.

- Try to get away just once and I'll break your leg.

She nods, threatening her had strangely calmed me down, I turn around and grab my phone.

Finding myself alone was impossible now that she was here, I was just going to have to deal with it.

I get on the elevator, she's standing next to me, her face much more relaxed, she really wants to get out, it's true that underground, you quickly run out of air.

- Why are you living in a ruined house? she asks.

I kept staring ahead, didn't anyone ever tell her to mind her own business?

- The less you know, the better.

She puffed loudly to show me her displeasure.

- You want me to stay close, don't you? Then maybe you should open up a bit, don't you think?

The elevator doors open, I get out without answering her.

Unlocking my phone, I type in the opening code. The metal door curls in on itself. The wind blows through my hair and I run my hand through it to put it back in place.

The sun was starting to set, its rays streaming through the branches of the trees, projecting bright colors of red and orange.

I turn back to her.

Her gaze was on the outside. She admired the spectacle before her eyes.

- You still have the collar around your neck, you can try to run away, but I'll find you thanks to the chip inside. And as punishment I...

- You'll break my leg," she said, rolling her eyes.

I let out a slight mocking laugh.

I wonder what kind of screams would come out of her mouth if I broke her leg right now, I wanted to know.

I ruffle her hair and move towards the exit, she following close behind.

The property was gigantic, no one ever came here, it was far too gloomy, but I loved its broken and weathered beauty.

I sit down on the stairs leading inside the house, Aris, she plants herself right in front of me.

- What's on your mind?

She just stares at me without saying anything, I shift annoyed, she ends up sitting next to me.

- Can I have a cigarette?

Never in a million years.

- No!

She crosses her arms over her chest.

- Love, can I ask you something?

I giggle.

- You've already done it.

She frowns displeased, I had the impression she was becoming more comfortable in my presence, or quite simply, she was looking for answers, which I didn't feel like giving her.

- Wow, you really are a funny guy.

She says, rolling her eyes.

I wish she'd shut up a bit. I admit I preferred it when she was silent.
I'd have to get used to that too.

- Could I have some canvas and paint? If I'm going to stay here, I've got to keep busy.

- What, you're already sick of being the object of decoration, I like to see you hanging from the ceiling.

She looks at me in horror, and I take out a cigarette and put it to my mouth. I was going to light it, but she caught it first, then brought it to her lips.

- You're such a child, give her back to me!

She smiles broadly, dimples deepening in her cheeks. What a beautiful picture.

- You may have given me what I asked for, but it's hard to do business with you.

- Of course, I'm a lawyer.

- Shall we make a deal?

I light the cigarette to her lips and she gives me a triumphant look.

- What's in it for me, knowing I've already got you?

I take out a new cigarette and light it. Then I take a puff on it, watching the sky darken.

- I'd love to paint outside.

My eyes crinkle up as I wait for the next part of her proposal before refusing.

- Of course, I know you'll have to keep an eye on me, but I just want to paint. I won't try to run away. So when you're confident enough, you'll leave me alone?

I wasn't really convinced, she'd have to do better than that.

- I'd think about it. But I don't see what's in it for me, puppy.

- You win me, Love.

For over 6 months, I'd been following her around, gathering information, watching her every move.

I wanted her more than anything, now she was aware of it, maybe just a tiny part of it, but it was enough to make her stop asking me questions.

I keep a straight face, taking a drag on my cigarette.

- You're already mine, let me fuck you when we get home.
I said, turning my head in her direction to see her expression.

She doesn't even blink, then takes a drag on her cigarette and spits the smoke in my face.

- In your dreams.

- You know I can do it by force?

She stands up to face me.

- I know, but do it again, I'll kill myself in front of you. And you'll have no way of saving me.

I frown strangely, knowing she'd be capable of it. After all, I could tie her up and she wouldn't be able to do a thing.

- I like it when you threaten me, Aris.

I stand up, and move my body closer to hers.

- What I want is for you to come with me to a party.

She had raised her head to look at me.

- What kind of party is it, she asks.

I smile.

- I'll take care of everything, you don't have to worry.

- Strangely enough, the last time you told me something similar, I ended up with this around my neck.

She points to the necklace.

- Accept and I'll give you what you want!

His gaze was still plunged in mine.

- Promise?

She reaches out with her left hand, I step forward then wrap my arm around her waist and grasp her chin.

- I'll be damned to hell if I don't keep my promise.

I throw myself on his lips greedily.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now