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Stirring on me, my eyes never left hers. She had me spellbound, I wanted to devour her lips.

I still had to wait and see what she could do. She wasn't even wearing underwear. Just knowing that, I was starting to get excited.

Her face replenishing mine, I could feel her breath pressing against my chin.

I'd always longed for this closeness, running my fingers over her neck, moving up to her lips, she left my eyes to place her gaze on my mouth.

Up close, her face was perfect, no imperfections.

If that gash I'd made didn't look so bad on her, I even preferred her like this.

This could once again be mine.

- Are we just going to look into each other's eyes or are you going to do something? I'm beginning to lose patience, because now that I've nursed you back to health, I thought I'd reattach you.

She takes a deep breath, then presses her lips to mine. I put my hands on her waist, she stiffened and held on to me, clutching my shirt.

I finally grabbed her bottom and kneaded it, she moaned, I wanted to get my tongue into her mouth, breathless, she pulled away from me.

His face was slightly red.

- Am I forgiven now? She asks.

I smiled, my little puppy was enterprising, I was so impatient for her to take initiative like that.

But I had to be wary, as she'd only been here a few days, I couldn't trust her so easily.

She liked to provoke me, to defend herself, and had managed to get out of the cage as well as the house.

I still didn't know how she got out.

- You'll be forgiven, when you tell me how you got out.

I had taken a dark look to show her that I wasn't kidding.

She sat up, huffing and puffing.

- Promise you won't get mad?

I raised a puzzled eyebrow.

- Promise Love!

I roll my eyes in annoyance, she couldn't stop calling me by my first name for God's sake.

- Hurry up!

She looks away, says nothing for a few seconds, then twirls her hair.

- I took the key from your room when you left.

I frown, waiting for a full answer, with details it couldn't be that simple.

- How did you get out of that room? I locked you in, you couldn't have destroyed a door with a simple key?

- I managed to get out, that's all...

She's just fucking with me... But of course, and my mother died falling down the stairs alone?

Well, no, I pushed it.

- I've a feeling you're not that hungry, little puppy.

She puts on a sad face.

- Love, let me eat and I'll tell you everything.

- Answer the questions!

It was better that she answered, I was beginning to lose patience.

- I took a bottle of spirits and when you took me back to the room, well, I went through your pockets, I took your lighter.

Impressive, she was a lot smarter than I expected.

- Please stand up.

She looks at me scared, slowly getting up.

- You promised you wouldn't get upset.

I look at her surprised, then end up smirking.

- When did I make such a promise, little puppy?

Blushing, she steps back.

I giggle as I head for the door.

- Come on, I'll give you something to eat, I'm getting hungry too anyway.

Her face relaxes, but she waits for me to pass through the frame. To follow me at a safe distance.

She's made a mini bomb, wow. I'd chosen her well.

I wish she'd teach me, I could blow people up.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now