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After that long shower, we went into the bedroom and she fell asleep, impossible for me to do the same.

My mind was made up, I had to take her back to her family, I'm nothing to her. I must not be nothing.

She was wanted, I knew it, dozens of articles talked about her.

I love her, but my darkness enveloped her.

I was about to get out of bed when her arms came around my waist.

- Where are you going?

She sat up slightly and rubbed her eyes.

We've got to tell her.

- Aris, listen, you've got to go home.

She looks at me shocked.

- I'm not going home Love, I'm staying here.

I knew her answer and it made me happy. But deep down, I knew she didn't have to stay here.

- Your life isn't here, I shouldn't have taken you away.

She sits down on the bed.

- All right, set me free... But let's get married.

Her gaze was determined, when she has something on her mind, she won't budge.

- Why do you want to marry me? I couldn't even keep my promise when I proposed.

- There's nothing to stop you keeping it later. Promises don't have to punctuate our lives, I just want to live simply with you.

I frown.

She can't stay.

- If you can't make a good impression, I'll stay with them if they like you, then I'll marry you.

She holds out her hand to me.

I had to surrender, to justice, not take advantage of justice to get married and live a peaceful life.

I don't have the right to be happy after the hurt I've caused her.

I've hurt her physically and verbally, and now she'd love me and forgive me?

No, I don't have that right.

- Just one thing Love, take it seriously, I don't want you to do everything you can to make him hate you. Be the person I fell in love with at first sight in college.

Did she fall in love with me at first sight?

I wish I could have seen it, I wish I could have noticed that you liked me before I took you away like a coward.

I nodded, grabbing her hand and kissing it.

She smiles, then comes to rest her lips on mine.

Once we're at her parents', I'll leave.

- I've got to go to work today, I'll try not to be too late.

She pouted.

I caress her face.

- Would you like to come with me?

Her face lit up. Was spending time with me making her that happy?

I also wanted to spend the last moment with her.

I'm cruel, but she needs someone better waiting for her.

- Can I really come?

I nod positively, getting up and heading for the dressing room.

As I start to change, I feel her hands touching my pectoral muscles, or rather kneading them.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now