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I held her hips as I repeatedly thrust into her. The car lights projected our silhouettes onto the surrounding trees.

She was at my mercy, and all the anguish I'd accumulated during those 30 minutes, I unloaded onto her body.

But one question remained: how did she get out? I'd programmed it right, the system should have triggered an explosion.

Nothing had happened, and I'd even taken the time to lock the room she was in.

My eyes fell on the untouched house. Then onto her.

- How did you get out?

She didn't answer, I grabbed her hair with force.

- Answer me!

I was still inside her, but I could see her face clearly.
She wouldn't loosen her tongue.

I'm fine!

- Things would have been simpler, for both of us, if you'd answered, little puppy.

I placed my hands around her neck and began to squeeze.

- I'll stop when you answer, bitch!

I couldn't even get it up anymore, my heart was beating out of my chest.

She still didn't say anything, I could feel her body starting to weaken.

I released her neck.

She fell to the floor coughing.

She looked at me, no, she glared at me, strangely, I liked her eyes, they were so deep.

This is the only place I'd like to drown.

- Stop looking at me or I'll poke your eyes out.
I had to instill fear in her, she couldn't love me. It was impossible.

- Get up, we're going home.

She got to her feet with difficulty and climbed into the back of the car.

I got behind the wheel and typed in the code to open the basement.

Once parked, I got out, opened the door and forced her out, slamming the door behind her violently.

I was going to lock her up for the night or risk killing her.

I pull her into the elevator, reach into my jacket with my right hand and pull out my phone.

I could feel her eyes on me, but without looking at her, so I said

- Look at the floor bitch, I didn't let you admire me.

The anger wouldn't go down, why was I in such a state, just because she'd gone out? I was losing my mind when it came to her.

Arriving at the bottom, the elevator door opens and I'm the first to get out.

- Your name is Love Braham, you're the famous lawyer.

I stop dead in my tracks, how did she get my personal information!

I turned around, threw myself at her and grabbed her neck.

- You've been going through my things! You should never have done that.

- You're shocking him, even though you're the first person who's ever intruded on my privacy.

I smile, then end up laughing out loud, I understood her little game, she was trying to get me out of my funk.

I release her and lock the elevator.

- You should never have known my name, now it's too late, but if it comes out of your mouth will be the last thing you say, before I shove my tongue down your throat.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now