Slave to our fears

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- Is that all you're capable of?

Her face was starting to turn red, her eyes filling with tears.

I didn't want it to come to this, but she betrayed me, she played with an already broken heart. Why does it always have to end like this?

The others were so much more docile, why did I only fall for you?

I was going to end up in this world alone?

Aris, I must bid you farewell.

As I watched her begin to lose consciousness, I couldn't stop squeezing her neck.

She wouldn't take her eyes off me.

Despair overwhelmed me, why did you do it? I would have consumed the world for you.

Her phone had fallen to the ground completely broken.

Her hands, which until then had been trying to release my hand from its grip, fell along her body.

Her eyes turned white, I released her, she fell to the ground completely unconscious.

I stare at her for a few minutes, then take her in my arms.

- I need a car. I said coldly.

My father, who had watched the scene without intervening, smiled.

- I knew you were like me, your mother never understood how crazy I was about her.

I wasn't listening to her, my eyes were on her face, moist with tears.

My emotions were clouded by nothingness.

- Give me your keys!

His eyes widened in surprise, then he reached into his pockets and handed them to me. Taking her hands.

I'm going out.

Last me, he calls me, I stop, then turn my head sideways threateningly.

- Don't ever contact me again, because rest assured, I'll hunt you down and tear you apart like an animal.

I turned, then left, hearing him laugh in the distance as I was almost to the car.

Opening the car door, I settle Aris on the seat and strap him in.

Caressing his face, I whisper to him, "Let's go home, my love".

Strangely enough, I'd regained my composure, as if what she'd done didn't matter to some part of me. I'd wanted to destroy her.

But the fear of being alone stopped me.

Who else but her could endure my madness?

Nobody's home.

I wasn't going to be a father after all, it wasn't a bad thing, I could have her all to myself. Children are cumbersome. They would have taken all our time.

I just want to be alone with her.

She'll never leave again, we're destined to stay together forever.

This invisible bond between us can never be broken, no matter where you are in the world. We'll be destined for each other.

Let's make a fresh start.

I'd moved away, no matter how much I loved her, I didn't trust her completely. At last, this place was my real home, the other was just a hideout.

I intended to take her there when she was docile enough. Now I didn't have much choice. I didn't know what her real plan had been.

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