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I looked at her belly, something was wrong. Standing up, I faced her, our height difference far from glaring, as she was wearing heels.

- Am I really the father?

She smiled as she caressed my face, and I tilted my head to accentuate her touch.

- I wish you'd told the truth, Aris, you know very well that I know when you're lying.

Her face stretched into a wide smile, then she held her stomach, laughing.

- Do you really think I'd lie about that?

I frown and gasp. Had she come here to make fun of me?

Anyway, I deserved it, but she had to go.

I press a button on the phone.

- Laïla, call a cab, for Madame Danger, please.

- Yes, sir.

She stops laughing when she hears the conversation.

- You're not serious, you're kicking me out?

I had to, even after that stupid joke, I wasn't mad at you. I had to make you understand that it's over between us, and convince myself at the same time.

- I'd like to love you like I did at first, but I can't help it. We destroyed each other instead of protecting each other.

She was static, her eyes missing me so much.

- Love, you don't love me anymore.

If I'm still crazy about you, even crazier than before, now that you're standing in front of me. But you've got to forget what a monster I am.

- No, I had time to forget you, I guess my obsession with you wasn't that strong. To move on, I just had to set you free. I didn't think it would be easy.

- I don't believe you.

I get up and walk to the door, then open it.

- It doesn't matter, but every trace of love for you is gone, Aris. Please come out, I have work to do.

It hurt like hell to treat her like that. I'm not allowed to have second chances. It's forbidden to the fisherman.

Maybe in another life, no what makes you think you'll get another life.

That's true. I wouldn't leave.

- I wouldn't leave, you think it's so easy to turn the page like that? You take me away, say I must belong to you all my life, and now your feelings are gone.

She had grabbed the collar of my jacket.

The anger could be seen on his face, the scar was always there, every time I saw mine, I saw his.

- Things have to stay the way they are, we should never have gone any further. Our child doesn't need a father like me.

She releases me, her arms fall down her body.

- Do you love someone else?

No, my love for you could never go to anyone else, you're the melody that lights up my soul.

But the truth is, I didn't have to tell her, even if I have to break her heart, so that she never wants to see me again, I will.

- Yes, I'm happier now.

Tears roll down her face, my heart tightens, please don't cry.

I just held her in my arms.

- You made me fall in love with you, I thought I'd get over it, but you tear at my heart like it's a piece of paper you don't need anymore.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now