Old devil

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I'm crazy about her, why hasn't she understood yet? I did everything I could to make her notice me.

I couldn't sleep at night, terrified that someone would take her away from me.

That's when I started following her around after her college classes, constantly watching her back. I lost my mind when the thick walls of her apartment blocked my view.

This child is the devil.

That's what people in my village kept saying.

Mother always told me that if you were disrespectful, you had to be punished.

So it was only natural to punish others, especially when they made fun of me and pushed me around.

They needed to be punished for their misdeeds.

I'd mutilate them, or push them down the stairs at school, or strangle them until they changed color.

Mother never reproached me for correcting others; she always rewarded me.

You're a good boy.

she repeated.

But Mother would sometimes get angry.

When I disobeyed. She'd lock me in that dark room for days on end, with very little oxygen.

When she finally let me out, she'd prepare my favorite meal, repeating that I was a good boy.

She also said I looked like my father.

But who was my father?

If I was like him, why wasn't he there?

Maybe he hated me.

Mother said he was a bastard.

But I was like my father, so was I a bastard?

When I asked Mother, she'd get angry and lock me up again.

She shouted at me.

That I made her a bad mother, asking all those absurd questions.

My mother loved me in her own way.

To represent her love she named me.


I bore my father's name, the name of this man I didn't know.

"Love Braham"

She called me my little love.

So why did I kill her?

Love Braham, the devil's child, laughed the village children.

Before I slashed them with kitchen knives.

Now, fear devoured them when they saw me.

- Love?

It's recurring, a lot of memories are coming back to me, and I've got a headache. It's unbearable.

Who is this mother whose images my mind keeps sending back to me?

- Are you feeling all right? Do you still have a fever?

Her eyebrows were furrowed, was she worried about me?

What a good little puppy.

She stands up and positions herself in front of me, then puts her hand on my forehead.

I'm not saying anything.

- I knew I should have made you take those pills, I'll go and get some right away.

She started to leave, but I held her by the waist and pressed my torso to her back, burying my head in her neck.

She could smell me.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now