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Écouter Miia Dynasty  

She wants to stay with me, was I really awake, or was it just a dream. If it was, I'd never want to wake up again.

I gazed at her face, hardly blinking a high-pitched whistle to remind me that I was right there in front of her.

- I want to kiss you.

Her eyes dart back and forth over my lips, she must have had as much notice as I did.

She steps back.

I breathe.

I thought you might.

- Please give me time, I'll stay close to you, but give me time to get to know you Love.

I frown, time how much time why do, I want things now.

- Do you know how long I've been waiting to have you? Are you asking me to wait again?

She lowers her head to her feet.

I run a hand through my hair, rolling my eyes. She clearly doesn't know what she wants. I'm wasting my energy trying to make her understand.

- Do what you want, it doesn't matter.

I head for the exit.

My mother waited for my father all her life and she died for it.

I don't want to end up like this, she'd better have another answer for me, when I come back to see her.

Opening a cupboard, I grab some food to eat, I see her enter the room, she had taken the time to put on a sweatshirt.

She looks hot in my clothes.

Shut the fuck up!

- I really want to stay by your side, but the damage you've done to me can't be repaired like this, so please give me time to stop being afraid of you.

- The conversation was over by the time I got out, so leave me alone!

She moves closer to me, then grabs the edge of my jacket.

- Let's do it, she whispers.

My eyes opened wide, I was stunned, had she really just asked me that?

She wasn't looking me in the eye, embarrassment showing on her face.

- I don't feel like it.

I abruptly remove her hand from my jacket, I just want her to leave me alone.

- Love, don't you want me anymore? If that's the case, then let me go instead of leaving me here to rot!

- I just want you to understand, I don't want to be taken for a fool like you were. Crawl for forgiveness. Maybe I was reconsidering.

She knelt in front of me, moving closer to my crotch. Her fingers were on my belt. I look at her without feeling any emotion.

I'd closed my heart no, I'd smashed it to smithereens.

Grabbing the milk bottle, I poured the whole thing over her head.

- Get out of my sight, you stupid mutt.

She remained on the floor while I left the room, I wanted nothing to do with her. It was now just a worthless painting.

I'd better cut off any budding feelings, love never wanted me, so I'd rather turn my back on it.

I don't care if I trample all over hers in my wake.

Mother, I must return to the world you created for me. Your son is coming home. It had been lost for far too long, in too bright a place.

Mother, will you hold me in your arms when I return. Please hold me tight, I've always been a good boy.

Mother, I need you, what should I do?

Why won't you answer me?

Don't turn your back on me.

I'm suffocating without you.

Why did you leave me behind?

My head was spinning, I couldn't see very clearly, my mind was in a fog.

Who am I talking about, why, do I need her?

A power cut? No, my body weighs so much.


- Love...

Whose voice is that? She's so sweet, please keep whispering in my ear. Let me keep you all to myself.

Aris... you are my destiny.

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