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Listen to Beethoven "Egmont

I grab her by the arm, lift her up and pull her to the dressing room. She struggles to hold on to the door dial. She held on so tightly that it was impossible to move forward.

- You coward! It was a fucking door, or I swear I'll break your arms in two.

I turned around, my eyes dark, my face closed, she was still clinging to it.

I approached, threatening, grabbing her chin to force her to look at me.

- Little puppy, know that I carry out my threats, so if you value your arms, let go of that door.

My smile accentuated the end of my sentence.

- You're a monster," she said.

Grabbing her wrist with both hands, she shrieked in pain as she crumpled to the floor.

- Get up, bitch. Monsters only exist in the movies, but I'm your worst nightmare.

She remained on the ground holding her wrist, I breathed as I ran a hand through my hair, leaned over and swung her onto my shoulder to head for the bedroom.

I lay her down on the bed, she was starting to sweat profusely.

- Little puppy, you've disrespected me, education is important to me. You see?

I say, tying her arms to the wall. She winces when I touch her wrist.

I get up and walk over to the record player, feeling her eyes on my back.

The music starts after I put the record down.

She starts off slowly, me wandering around the room grabbing equipment.

Just the resonant music of Beethoven's "Egmont".

The music aroused me, and when I was in this state, I gave free rein to my dark desires.

Aris Danger, my little puppy, your training begins.

I face the bed where his body was restrained.
As I approach, I remove the towel that hid it.

I looked down at her naked body and gently ran my fingers over it, it was covered with my mark, it was beautiful.

- Every time you're disrespectful to me, you'll be punished.

She started laughing, a completely hysterical laugh, was she already losing her mind, no, I didn't want to, it was too early for that.

- Wasn't breaking my wrist enough for you?

I look at it, it's starting to turn purplish, I shrug and bring my eyes back to his face.

- Aris, you don't understand that I'm doing all this for you, it's normal to be punished when you're disobedient, especially as Mama Love would say. What if she saw that you'd damaged the face of her beloved son?

I tilted my head to one side, and she frowned in response. No matter, she'd be meeting Mom soon.

I'm sure they'll get along just fine.

Climbing onto the bed, I stand over her and blindfold her.

- Bad puppies can't see or hear in my world.

Returning to the record player, I turn up the sound to cover my movements.

It was time to get started!

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now