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I was standing in the middle of the living room.

Should I go and check on her?

It might be dangerous to leave her alone; I'd barely started moving when she came back into the room.


Completely naked, her body wet.

Hold on, Love.

Not just yet, we've got to get her out of her head.

I took a step closer to her, lifted my jacket and placed it on her shoulders.

- I'd like to know why you're behaving like this. Everything was fine a few hours ago. I wouldn't have given you my fever yet.

From the look of her, you'd think she had a fever, but she seemed completely out of it.

- Don't you want me?

I didn't think I'd be able to get it up any harder, my body was hot too.

- I knew it, from the start you've been like this, let me help you.

She kneels down in front of me and pulls down my stocking and underpants.

Wait a little longer, it's not enough.

The sight before my eyes was unreal, reminding me of the last time she'd been in this position.

I'd threatened her with a knife, and now she was doing it on her own without my forcing her. The scar on your cheek was so beautiful.

- Love, if I make you feel good here, will I return the device?

She had lightly passed my cock over her lips.

- It's going to take more than that, puppy.

She opens her mouth and runs her tongue over it, I shudder at her touch.


She's driving me crazy.

She starts sucking, her eyes still planted in mine.

The way she was doing it was totally different from last time, she was literally sucking my cock.

I'm sure she could make me come pretty quickly. But she wanted to make it last.

I put my hand on her head and start stroking.

Saliva began to flow from her mouth, just the way I like it.

I wanted to titillate her again, would I sign my deathbone.

Besides, I still had some work to do, especially what my brother had asked me to do.

- You'd better stop there, I've got work to do. I've got to pick it up where I left off.

She pulls my cock out of her mouth, then lowers her head onto her thighs.

- I wished it hadn't come to this.

I tilted my head, not sure what she meant by that.

- How did...

A sharp jolt ran through my body, and I fell to the ground, my body trembling. I could hardly move my limbs.

She had positioned herself above me.

I could only watch what was happening.

In her hands a taser, where the hell did she get that? Above all, how had she hidden it? She was back naked.


- If I remember correctly, I've got 5 minutes to get back before you can move your body. Maybe I should extend the time? 

She presses the button, the device starts up with an electric sound.

I grit my teeth in pain, it's a damn good experience.

- I'll be right back, my love.

What exactly is she planning?

No matter what, I was going to let myself go, seeing her in this state was a sublime sight. She let only her desire speak.

I want you back faster, let your desire for me consume you little puppy.

My body still refused to move. I'd even prefer it if she didn't move, so I could be entirely at her mercy.

I heard the sound of her footsteps coming closer, my impatience felt, it was the only limb that could really straighten out at this moment.

- Let's have fun My Love.

She was holding ropes, tying me up, that's what she wanted.

Get the better of me, Aris.

I pretended all the way.

- Aris, you're not in your right mind, you shouldn't do that.

She frowns.

- Love, My love, you belong to me, you must do everything I want. But before you do, shut up, will you?

She gags me.

For fuck's sake.

Her face was pink with excitement, I could also feel the heat of her body, it was boiling.

- You must know the Nawashi.

Rope me up, is that what she wants to do, was it one of her fantasies?

I nodded as I could no longer speak due to the gag in my mouth.

She smiled a perverse smile I didn't know she had.

She's so beautiful.

Mother, I want to marry him.

- I want your body to be a roped-off masterpiece. It might take a while, but we've got all night.

I couldn't take my eyes off her, my cock pulsing against her bare buttocks.

- You take care of your body My love, I've always loved men with huge pectorals. You're doing this to please me, aren't you?

She stares at me, waiting for an answer, while sliding her fingers up and down my body.

Her tongue licks her lips.

- I'd forgotten you couldn't talk back.

She left with a melodious little laugh.

I couldn't see exactly what she was doing with the ropes, but I could feel them gripping my body, she'd even trapped my arms above my head already.

She was fast, was that what she was training for?

She seemed captivated by what she was doing, and many questions flashed through my mind.

But there was only one thing that held my attention.

What was she going to do next?

- You like music, don't you? My love.

I nodded, staring at her longingly. I'm starting to feel my body again.

I try to move my hips to show her my impatience. But after this movement, I felt the strings tighten, was that really possible?

- The more you move, the tighter the cords will get, so I'll put on some music to relax you.

She gets up and walks off in the direction of the record player - there's one in every room. I loved being able to listen to music whenever I wanted.

I hear the first notes rush through the air.

Then Aris repositioned himself on top of me.

- It's 4 a.m., your appointment's in a few minutes, which gives us plenty of time to get down to business My love.

This nickname she gave me excited me; earlier, she'd said I belonged to her.

I want you to.

I want to belong to you as you belong to me, my little puppy.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now