Without Mercy

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At 30 minutes, I was at 30 whores, she seemed so far away, was I afraid?

Yes, that she would get away from me, that she would disappear and I wouldn't be able to find her.

I was scared.

Observing the immense building before me

The large lettering read "Cabinet Braham & Co."

Leaving my contemplation behind me, I crossed the hall. I was walking through the building, up to the security gate, when a hand came to rest on my shoulder.

- Sir, only staff are allowed in at this hour.

I turned to face him with a grim expression on my face.

- What's your name?

He looked at me as if I'd asked a stupid question, his eyes looking me up and down.

He had guts, a smile spread across my face. A correction was in order, and I approached him, towering over him.

- It seems I have to keep telling myself what your n...

- Mr. Braham,

A feminine voice cuts me off

My gaze was still on the little shit, whose face had changed color at the mention of my name.

- Mr. Joy is waiting for you in your office.

I put my hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear.

- You've got guts, kid, but learn to stay in your place!

I punched him in the stomach, and he fell to the ground holding his stomach.

- Get this piece of garbage out of here, and in future be more meticulous in your choice of agents.

I passed by my secretary, who nodded her head and followed suit.

Looking out over the city through the large bay window, Mr. Joy stood facing her.

He looked like he owned this office.

Clearing my throat to point out my presence, he turned and stared into my eyes, a sneer forming on my face at the sight of his face.

He was so ugly, no wonder his wife was complaining about him.

- Mr. Joy, to what do I owe this visit to my office?

He rushed over to me, grabbing the collar of my shirt.

- How could you fail to inform me that new evidence has been brought against me? You can't imagine the disaster it caused when I was handcuffed in front of my investors!

I tilt my head to one side, smiling.

- Mr. Joy, you'd better get off my back while I'm still a professional, it would be a shame to have to add assaulting his lawyer to your file.

My eyes full of contempt for him, he released me, still pushing me violently.

I put my suit back on, then moved to my desk to sit down.

- Mr. Joy, if you're not satisfied with our work, you can always call in another firm, but we're only 1 week away from trial. Do you honestly imagine that another firm would agree to defend you?

I grinned broadly at the look on his worried face. Losing this case would cost him a lot of money.

- I apologize, Mr. Braham, I've overstepped my bounds, but if you assure me of victory, nothing will happen to your company. Nothing will happen to your company.

I burst out laughing at this insignificant threat.

I stood up and faced him.

- You think your pathetic threats scare me, but if you want to instill fear, I'll show you how.

Pulling out a knife, I stabbed him directly in the shoulder, causing him to scream in pain as he fell at my feet. I leaned over and whispered in his ear.

- This is how you should present yourself to me, I won't accept any more deviations on your part. Wait for my instructions next time before bothering me with futility.

The blood was running down his shirt, which was far too small to hold in his big belly, and he was making me puke.

- Leïla, you should have called an ambulance, our dear customer has just tried to commit suicide on our premises.

My secretary took out her phone and dialed the emergency number.

I turned on my heels and walked out of my office, glancing at the man who was slowly bleeding to death.

He'd wasted my time, and now he'd paid for it.

- Mister Braham,

Laïla called out to me,

I turned to face her, and she moved towards me, undulating her hips.

She slid her hands up my torso.

- You know how it turns me on when you correct these good-for-nothings.

I really wasn't in the mood to fuck her, I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I withdrew her hands violently.

- Do your job properly, and maybe I'd consider fucking your little ass!

I turned around without waiting for an answer, I was in a hurry, my little puppy was patiently waiting for me at home.

If someone stopped me again, I'd do her.

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