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- Surely you're hungry?

My eyes dart back in her direction, I'd moved away from her to look at the apartment.

- No, I'm fine.

She frowns.

- Now you know I can cook. I'm going to have two kids after all, I had to learn.

I smile, heading for the kitchen.

- In that case, prepare me something, I'll be unfiltered.

She sticks her tongue out at me like a child about to sulk.

- If not, will you let me cook for you?

Sighing, she sits down on a chair, grumbling.

I was comforted by the fact that I could see her nasty temper again, and she puts her hand on her belly.

I'd love to touch it, but for now let's keep our distance.

- How long have you known you were pregnant?

Her eyes rest on the table, pensive.

- 1 month after my departure, I started vomiting as soon as I woke up. At first, I thought it was the stress of my kidnapping that was wearing off. But it was something else... I ended up doing a lot of tests to be sure, all of them showing the overwhelming truth that I wanted to deny.

I sit down opposite her, leaning against the back of the chair that creaks under my weight.

- I wanted to have an abortion, but I remembered how much you wanted a child, and when I went to the ultrasound, it wasn't one, but two babies.

Aborted... She didn't do it for me? Yet, at first, she categorically refused to have anything to do with me.

If I'd let her go, when she still hated me, I'm sure she wouldn't have kept them.

She had said she prefers walnut trees to her children is a father like me.

- I'll take care of you, I promise.

She smiles and stands up to face me.

- Don't put too much pressure on yourself, if you love them as much as you love me, that'll be more than enough.

I had to, I had to repent.

To become a better person, worthy of her, of them.

- Can I touch your belly?

She takes my hand and places it on hers, I never thought I'd be so happy one day.

- I'm sure they're asleep, in general, they're on the move all day long. That I have trouble concentrating in class.

Holding them in my arms would be better, but it's still too early.

Will I be a good father?

I've never had one, but does that change anything?

- Today was an eventful day, with a visit I wasn't expecting. I can't believe it's true.

I had to reveal myself to her, it was an essential step in our relationship. I had to be totally honest.

I promised I'd tell her everything when I was ready. She's back in my life, I owe her that much after all the trouble I've caused her.

- My father came to see me, and I thought he was just a joker who wanted to make fun of me, at first. It was really him... I don't know what he wants from me. I'd better keep away from him.

- Let's go into the living room, where we can talk.

She headed for the room in question, jumping up on the sofa.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now