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She'd been hanging in the air for 2 days, and I'd walked past the room without giving her much thought.

All the same, I thought she'd give in within the first few hours. But it proved that she still hadn't understood her punishment.

She must have been hungry and very thirsty, so, huffing and puffing, I headed for the training room.

Her eyes were closed, her wrists were red, well, they were turning purple.

- Little puppy, you still don't want to apologize to me?

Opening exhausted eyes on me, huge bags were underneath.

I stroked her cheek.

- I can stop your punishment, so do what I expect you to do.

She lowered her eyes to the ground, then whispered.

- Go away and let me die.

His body was sweating, I didn't even want to imagine the state of his burns.

- Say it, Aris, and I'll set you free, there's no way I'm letting you die.

Her gaze was still on the ground, I was beginning to lose patience, I was ready to leave her for a few more days, but she wouldn't last.

I couldn't lose her.

Without further thought, I untie her arms. She moans in pain as her body relaxes into a more natural position.

I take her to the bed.

- Aris, look at me!

She wouldn't open her eyes, I needed her to look at me, I needed to lose myself in the depths of her eyes.

I get up and head for the kitchen, grab a glass and fill it with water, then back to the dressing room.

I lift her and bring the glass to her lips.
She refused to open her mouth to drink.

- Stop acting like a child, damn it, drink!

Seeing that she didn't even react to my threats, I took the water directly into my mouth to make her drink. Strangely enough, the technique worked.

Her fingers were clutching my sweatshirt, and to control the force I was using, I repeated the operation twice, giving her time to breathe.

- You're not going to die today, it's out of the question, we've still got lots of things to do together.

I had to treat her wounds, she must have done that no matter how I lifted her T-shirt.

The bandages she'd applied barely covered her wounds. Everything had to be disinfected again.

- I'm going to take care of you, because even that you don't know how to do properly. This is the first and last time I'll do it, then there'll be more Love fun.

She freed her hands with the last of her strength.

- Just let me die.

- Shut up!

I grab the first-aid kit from the chest of drawers not far from the bed.

I take off her T-shirt, she doesn't even resist anymore and lets me do it.

One by one, I removed the bandages, the wounds oozing.

I can't imagine the pain she must have felt. I had to clean everything first.

I lifted her up and took her straight to the bathroom, where I had to run water over her to remove the residue.

Her body was boiling, no wonder she couldn't keep her eyes open.

Laying her gently in the shower, I undressed, keeping only my jogging suit on.

I turned on the water, checking the temperature before placing her body underneath, and rinsed thoroughly to remove the pue agglutinated on it.

- Even in this state, I'd still fuck you," I said, giggling.

She continued to ignore me, and once rinsed, I wrapped a towel around her body.

I was already getting tired of doing all this.

I took her back to the room, then disinfected, wincing every time I put the alcohol-soaked cloth down.

I redid all his bandages.

Her hilt was dislocated.

- It's going to hurt, but I know you can take it.

I grabbed the cloth and immediately put it back in place. Then her left hand flashed across my face.

I chuckle.

- I see that's woken you up.

- Screw Love.

I hated it when she called me by my first name.

- Don't thank me for taking care of you," I say teasingly.

She looks at me flabbergasted.

- You're really more fucked up than I thought.

I shrug.

- For you, I'd be as crazy as an escapee from the asylum.

She raises her eyes to the sky, with a little smirk.

- Love?

- What?!

Surprised by my tone, she hesitates to continue.

I murmur, running my hand through my hair.

- Tell me what you want, puppy, so I can go to sleep.

Saying nothing for a few minutes, she finally moves closer to me.

- I'm hungry, can I have some real food this time? Ask such

I pretended to think about it and lay down on the bed, tucking my arms under my head.

- When I've had a chance to apologize, Aris," I said in a serious tone.

With great difficulty, she positions herself above me. Her buttocks press against my cock. I smile stupidly under his action.

- Okay, I'll apologize, but let me do it my way.

Her gaze was determined. This promised to be interesting.

- I hope I'm satisfied.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now