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I run my tongue between her lips. She clings to my sweatshirt to keep her footing.

She moans, then I peel myself away with a smile, I could hardly see her face anymore, it was a shame, I would have liked to see her embarrassment.

- I guess our walk is valid now, we're going home, I'd like you to try on your outfit for tomorrow.

Puzzled, she asks.

- What outfit?

- Stop asking questions, we're going home.

I grabbed her arm to force her to follow me.
We go back the way we came.

In the silence, I shoved my hands into my pockets and leaned against the wall of the elevator.

The doors open onto the corridor. Once outside, I lock everything with my phone.

I could feel her gaze on me.

- This phone, you'll never be able to use it, the code resets itself every 15 minutes, you have to be pretty good at math to guess the next combination of numbers.

She'd never be able to do it, she'd chosen painting precisely to avoid all the general subjects, she hated maths in particular.

- I'm not going to run away Love.

I raise an incredulous eyebrow.

- We'll see about that, puppy.

She sat down on the bed, her eyes still baggy, much deeper than before.

- Don't die on my bed.

I sit down on the chair in front of the desk.

She's ignoring me.

I turn to the computer screen to activate the security system.

I hear her stirring behind me. But don't pay any more attention than that.

I had work to do - the trial was coming up. I wasn't worried, because it was certain that I was going to win, La Défense didn't stand a chance.

- Where am I sleeping?

I turned to face her, she'd tucked her legs under her chin and was looking at me.

- In your cage of course

Raising my eyes to the sky, then starting to shiver, she was going to have to stop doing that. I wanted to strangle her when she did it.

- I prefer to sleep here.

I smile.

- Aren't you afraid I'll play with your body in your sleep?

She snaps back.

- No, because you don't sleep here.

I get up and move closer to the bed.

- It's my bed, I remind you, you've got a room I made just for you and you don't want to sleep in it, it breaks my little puppy heart.

I place my hands on my chest to mimic my broken heart.

- I'm afraid of this room," she says, looking away.

Interested, fear is the best way to get what I want from her.

- You can sleep here, I've got work to do so I don't think I'll sleep just yet. I just want you to try on your outfit first.

I smile with all my teeth. She gasps.

- Can't I try it tomorrow?

I take hold of her chin.

- No, I want to try it on now.

I head for the dressing room and pull out a midnight-blue velvet box, embellished with a similar silver bow.

I handed it to her, and she opened it without wasting any time. I had the impression she wanted to get rid of this stain as quickly as possible and go to sleep.

- What kind of party is this?

- Try it on, we're just going to a charity gala of one of my clients, you'll be able to go out, you should be happy.
I giggle as I return to my seat in front of the screen.

- Don't turn round, or I'll put a lamp through your head.

Without turning around, I sketched a mocking smile.

- You don't realize how many times I've seen your naked body in the last 6 months, it was magnificent. Just thinking about it gives me a hard-on, are you sure you don't want to fuck? It'll help you sleep.

- Shut your mouth.

I frowned; she was starting to take liberties, her new way of speaking irritated me.

- Be careful how you talk to me, little puppy, because when I want to, I can take you to the ceiling again!

She didn't answer, so I continued to leaf through the trial file.

A few minutes had gone by, what the hell was she doing?

- Are you almost done, or do you need me to help you get dressed too?

She clears her throat.

I turn around.

A goddess, I swallowed hard, damn, that dress fit her perfectly. She had set her curly hair to one side.

Even covered in bandages, I was attracted to her.

I already wanted to rip the damn dress off and take it off the desk.

- It's not bad, you can take it off now.

I turned around, I had to concern myself, I couldn't lose it like that.

I longed for her.

Would Mother have allowed me to take her as my wife? Of course not. Mother wants to keep me for herself.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now