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We'd almost reached the car when the rain began to pour down in ropes, soaking us.

She chattered her teeth and sneezed a little at a time.

- Take off your clothes, there's a blanket in the trunk.

I got out of the car to take this one, the rain was much lighter.

I thanked nature for this moment.

I opened the passenger door to hand her the blanket.

I had to wait a few minutes for her to undress; knowing her, I'd have been kicked or threatened.

I laugh at the thought.

She opens the window.

- You can go home now.

My clothes were still on me and sticking to my skin, a really unpleasant sensation.

I sat down and turned on the heater.
Peeking around the corner, she's wrapped up in the blanket, her head barely hanging out.

Damn, she was naked on top and I can't do anything, if I try anything would she push me away?

In the last few days, I'd repeatedly died of asphyxiation in my shorts, and I was cramped.

- Get some rest, we've got a long way to go.

I set off in the direction of home.

She'd been asleep for 30 minutes, her head resting on the window, it had stopped raining.

Returning my gaze to the road.

I gently turned on the music and the soft, melodic tones echoed in the cabin.

She was the kind of girl who slept a lot, and I wasn't at all bothered by that as long as she was there waiting for me when I got home from work, I'd be happy.

The life I'd imagined for myself.

She was waiting for me, with my children.

How many would we have, three, no four, they'd be playing and laughing together.

For sure, they would look like her, they would have her beautiful eyes.

Mother, are you proud of me?

Soon the family would be much bigger.

I wouldn't let you down again.

My phone began to vibrate, I had to enter the security code. She moaned in annoyance at the noise, which must have woken her up.

- We're almost there, go back to sleep.

She turns around and rests her head on my shoulder, her eyes still closed.

I stopped the car in front of the house and opened the door.
I got out, careful not to wake her, and walked around the car.

I take her out in turn and walk towards the elevator, watching her sleeping face.

I'd like her to want to be mine for the rest of her life.

Don't ever leave me, little puppy.

I'm about to break down, and in one gesture, I toss her onto the bed. She gasps as her body makes contact with the mattress.

- But you're sick! she shouts.

I giggle, opening the blanket that was hiding her body.

Her enormous breasts, which I've been wanting to devour for days. I didn't say I wanted to put bells on it.

Yes, I am! I'd love to hear the melodious sound of her tingling every time my pelvis met her ass.

- Let me fuck you.

Her eyes rested on me half-asleep, she seemed to be taking the time to assimilate what I'd just said.

Her eyebrows furrowed.

- Love, you realize that I will never, ever answer that request.

It was my turn to frown.

- You're mine, Aris, so you must...

My phone began to vibrate again, and I ignored it. I'll take the time to insult the person who dares to disturb me later.

- You must respond to my desires.

She lay back with her back to me.

- Stop spouting bullshit and let me sleep.

- I'm not kidding Aris, if you don't want to go back to your cage and sleep then!

She blows out an annoyed breath then stands up, wrapping the blanket around her body again and heading for the door.

What? What? What? Seriously!

What a fucking joke.

Mother stops me from killing her.

I catch her before she goes through the door. She turns sharply, trying to push me away.

- You think I'm a fucking joke! Why can't you just do as I fucking command? Stop trying my patience.

She regains her composure at the end of my sentence, then gives me a murderous look.

- It seems you haven't been told "No" enough in your life. Get off me!

- Go to hell! Believe me, you'll never set foot outside again.

I let her go and storm off towards the gym, needing to let off some steam.

No! What am I doing? She mustn't have any hold on me.

I turned around and she saw me coming back.

Instinctively, she backs away.

- I've been far too nice to you.

She'd tried to fool me with her charm. Fuck, and I almost fell into this shit.

I grab her by the arm and drag her into the dressing room.

Trying to go against the flow, yelling at me to let go.

I push her inside the cage.

- Don't ask me again, because I'm not about to let you out again any time soon!

She just sits there without saying anything.

Eventually, she gives in. This room terrorizes her.

You shouldn't have made fun of me, Aris.

Now I'll be the monster you described.

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