Trut Reality ?

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I wish I could unpack my feelings easily, but they're stuck in the back of my throat.

I love her.

Yes, I love him, obsessively.

But it's better than no love at all.

I wanted to close the door of my heart to her, but she always managed to kick it down.

She backed me into a corner every time.

I loved him so much that sometimes I felt my heart explode in my chest like a billion pieces of confetti, and shocks ran through my entire body.

Hell, I was hooked, I want to succumb to that love.

I want her love.

I have her love.

- Can you promise me one thing?

Yes, I'd do anything you wanted, but part of me wasn't sure I wanted to accept, it made me a little tense, I didn't want to fall back into my torments.

- Yes, I'll do whatever you want.

She smiled.

My heart was pounding, I didn't know what she was even going to ask.

- Let's leave it for later, I'm a bit tired.

My hands go behind her back, slipping under her shirt.

She shivers.

- Let's go to the bedroom, I need to rest too.

I don't take the time to let her down as I stand up, carrying her.

She clings to my neck and buries her head in it.
I walk along the corridor, hearing her breathing grow heavier. She had fallen asleep in my arms.

I place her gently on the bed, pulling the blanket over her, and lie down beside her.

I probably wouldn't be able to sleep, but watching her soothed me.

I'd told her horrible things the last few days, lied to her and said I didn't love her.

Why am I like this?

I love her like crazy, my obsession.

She doesn't belong here.

That place was never in my hands.

But she loves you...

Yes, but if I continue to have her absences, I'll destroy her.

Mother, what are you doing to me? Why don't I remember anything about the orphanage?

Your face is always represented by a dark spot when I imagine you.

I'd like you to leave my mind, and let me be happy with her.

You're in no way responsible for our meeting, I was wrong.

You've just helped create a monster.

My eyes couldn't turn away, her face was peaceful.

I definitely couldn't sleep. Memories that surely don't belong to me haunt me.

The only memory that was right was that love was something you had to take by force if you wanted it.

I got up quietly.

I had to get some air, I was suffocating, she couldn't see me like this.

Grabbing my pack of cigarettes and a jacket, I gave him one last look before heading for the elevator.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now