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It had only been half a day since she'd arrived.

She'd managed to find out who I was, and what's more, she'd managed to escape.

From now on, she'd only get out of the cage when I wanted to torture her.

- You're going back to your cage.

Her eyes were on me.

- You're really handsome," she says.

I looked at her with disgust. The shit coming out of her mouth made me want to sew her up to stop her talking.

- Move instead of talking nonsense.

The clothes she was wearing were much too big for her, they yawned.

She stopped in front of the door, what was left of it, which was almost ashen.

She moves away from me for safety, I wanted to rip her arm off right then and there.

- Why are you running away, I'm not going to kill you for a simple door.

I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest. Still, she kept her distance.
How could she have done all this, especially as these doors are so thick, it's almost impossible to break them unless you're a bomb.

- Do you know anything about bombs?

She seemed surprised by the question; I had just leaned against the walls, waiting for an answer.

- If you answer, I'll be generous, puppy.

She sketches a smile.

- Your generosity, it boils down to sequestering me and raping me, why should I answer your questions, you were just too stupid to underestimate me Love.

I don't know what surprised me more.

Whether she's calling me an idiot or just calling me by my first name.

- You've managed to get out of your cage, and now you're showing your fangs.

I move closer, towering over her, her body compressed against the wall, her face up against my pecs, she lifts her head to look me in the eye.

- I want an answer because, I admit, you've impressed me.

Her eyes widen.

- You're my executioner, it's only natural that I should try to escape, for what you've done to me you'll have to pay.
I tilt my head to the side.

- You think you'll manage to escape again Aris, things will be different, I'll have my eye on you and there won't be another chance.

She swallowed hard, having to clean up the mess she'd created. Even better, she was the one who was going to fix her bullshit.

I was far too exhausted to do it myself, especially since she did it all.

- Go to the back door!

She looks at me incredulously, I smile under her expression, her cheeks tingling slightly red. Which made me stop smiling.

- You'll find a broom and products to clean up the shit you've caused.

- But my wrist is broken and I'm still in pain. Since it's only been a few hours since you broke it.

I was so exhausted I didn't want to argue with her.

- All right, back to your cage.

She grimaces.

- Can I have something to eat first? Merchant-she

I arched an eyebrow; she'd really dared to ask that, she had some nerve.

- Don't you think you're asking for a lot, little puppy?

She stares at me, her eyes darting around, a sneer forming on my face. An idea had just crossed my mind.

- All right," I said, rolling my eyes, "you're welcome, but you'd better not ask for any more, and go back to your cage without saying anything.

Her eyes light up slightly.

She follows me to the kitchen.

- Sit down.

She does it without saying a word.

Still smiling, I couldn't wait for her to see her meal.

I grab a packet and pour the contents into a bowl. Looking over my shoulder, I see her looking around. I turn around and pause to place the dish in front of her.

- Bon appétit, little puppy.

She looked at the contents, her face twisted in disgust. Indeed, what better dog food than croquettes.

- Come on, eat up, you're in for a treat! I promise, afterwards I'll scratch your belly. I laughed

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