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This was the moment, I was going to be able to get out of this hellhole by finding an exit key.

The further we went, the dimmer the light became.

Love seemed at ease, he must have been in his element.

I turned my attention back to the room we'd just entered.


All was dark, with only faint colored light dimming the room,

Benches lined the walls, and the scenes on them were ones I'd rather never have seen in my life.

Men and women were indulging in sexual pleasures for all to see, some even swapping partners, others just enjoying the show.

I felt nauseous.

A charity gala, my ass!

Indeed, Love was in his element.

- What's all this about?

He looks at me puzzled.

- Don't you like charity events? And yet, I'd have bet the opposite.

He smiles as he looks around the room.

You weirdo

A few people were looking in our direction, but I couldn't see their faces because of the mask he was wearing.

I knew he wasn't looking at me, but at the person standing next to me, in this case Love.

Now I had to find my target, someone who would blend in, but that was going to be complicated by the fact that it was all debauchery.

- What do you want to do? he asked.

He came and put his hand on my waist, pulling me against him.

I raised an incredulous eyebrow as he continued.

- We can look at others, or participate in our own way.

It was obvious he wanted to participate, his eyes sparkling.

- I don't want to participate.

His look fades, he looked disappointed.

He releases my waist, then buries his hands in his pockets.

- You're no fun today, and I hope you'll change your mind, because I must admit I want to sink my teeth into you. And for the past few days, I've been frustrated.

I pretend to vomit, moving towards an unoccupied bench. I sat up, then glanced at Love.

No sooner had I left him than he was approached by several half-naked women.

I couldn't hear their conversation from where I was standing.

Love seemed captivated by what they were saying.


I looked around, searching for a potential ally.

Love wasn't looking at me. He'd even disappeared, so now was my chance. I couldn't miss this chance.

Then a man of imposing build approached.

- Are you alone, my sweet?

His eyes detailed my body.

I paid him no further attention, then replied.

- It seems you are too. I said with a forced smile.

He returned my smile.

- You're enjoying the evening," he said, coming to sit on my right.

Love had gone I don't know where, leaving me alone, so maybe I could turn the situation to my advantage.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now