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I stood in front of that mirror looking at myself, a scar now on my cheek.

The same as hers, we were made to be together.

I knew everything about her, but there were still things to discover.

She'd surprised me earlier; I hadn't expected her to react like that on aphrodisiac.

I looked like a completely different person.

I'd loved to see this new face. I still wanted to see him again.

This sexual madness you felt for me.

Oh Aris, everything about you is addictive.

Was she going to hate what I'd just done, it wasn't changing much, but it was starting to bother me so I had to tone it down.

In fact, it was a radical change, I don't know if I liked it.

But if she could do it for me, I'd be fine with it.

Anyway, it's growing back.

I left the room with one last look in the mirror, my face clearer.

She could admire it better.

She said I was very handsome, and the sound of her mouth made my heart flutter.

She was still asleep, and I'd finished going over my papers and passport.

I'd have to wake her up soon; it was nearly 11. And I had a 1 p.m. appointment.

I wished I could leave her here to rest, but being away from her was unbearable.

I sat on the edge of the bed and began to look at her, envying her for making it easier to fall asleep.

I hadn't been able to sleep all night, I don't know how it was that I was still up.

I'm sure there were dark circles around my eyes.

But right now, I didn't care, I just wanted to look at her.

- You're so beautiful. I murmured

She stirred, but didn't wake up.

The first few nights, when I'd break into her house, I'd just stare at her for hours, almost until daybreak. She was a light in my darkness.

Maybe I was crazy, but I had this feeling I'd always known her, as if my soul were screaming at me that she was my destiny.

As if an invisible link bound our hearts together and made them beat in unison.

I hated love, it was what I hated most in this world. People who succumbed to this greed.

I had fallen into what I hated most, and it was because of her.

Was I going to end up hating myself? It didn't matter if she loved me.

If her love was meant for me, it wouldn't matter how much I hated myself, she'd be there to fill the gap.

Mother, you left a gaping hole in my chest after you left.

But thanks to her, my path became entangled with hers.

I caress her face, she moves as she clings to me.

- Wake up, little puppy.

She moans.

I look at my phone screen, 11:20.

- Let me sleep again Love.

I laugh lightly, kissing, it plays.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now