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- You're the worst, I'm supposed to eat dog food?

My eyes detailed her face, she was really beautiful, even with that scarred cheek.

Maybe I should do it to her for symmetry's sake.

- Puppies eat kibble, not human food.

She arches an eyebrow.

- I'm not a puppy, dogs don't talk or stand on two legs.

- Then I'd have to sew your mouth shut to stop you talking, and force you to crawl on all fours with a collar around your neck.

I put a ravenous smile on her face. Just the thought of it excited me.

- Please do, because if I manage to escape again, he'll have even more evidence against you.

His gaze was determined. Still, I didn't know what she'd said,

- Aren't you going to eat?

She got up and came to stand opposite me, I was leaning against the kitchen island.

It really was a tiny little puppy, trying to bark at me.

Her eyes planted themselves in mine, the flecks of green inside them making them unreal.

- Eat that shit yourself, Love.

I'd been watching her for months, whether on the cameras or in her home at night.

I'd never noticed this side of her. Maybe it was because of what I'd done to her, maybe, but she had to be brought down. Respect is one of the fundamental rules in my world.

- One thing is important here, little puppy, the way you talk, the way you address me. You must always be respectful of my person, until now, you're trying to bite the master of the house. Without knowing that I can break you into a thousand pieces, so that you fit into the criteria I've created especially for you.

I gripped her chin to keep her gaze anchored to mine.

- Or I can bring symmetry to your face by cupping your other cheek, for your reminders that you must be inferior to me.

His gaze moved from my eyes to my lips, as if seized by a sudden urge to kiss me. I smile.

- You're not ready for my kisses, you might faint from lack of air.

His face turned scarlet, it was fun to see.

- If you don't want to eat, then go back to the cage.

- Please, Love, don't lock me in the cage.

I stare at her, annoyed.

- You think you've got something to say about it, I'm telling you, this cage is your room, and I'm sleepy, so I'm certainly not going to let you wander around while I'm asleep," I say, rolling my eyes.

Without waiting, I drag her by the arm towards the cage and push her inside, locking the door.

- Just so you know, the cameras are on and she's right in front of my bed, so I'll see everything you do. Come on, sleep tight little puppy," I leave, laughing.

- Love's waiting," she shouts behind me.

I don't turn around and head for the bedroom to change.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now