theodore nott: dying in your arms in the middle of a battle

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"no, no, no," you whisper, tears immediately start streaming down your face as you cradle his head in your lap. "stay with me. please, stay with me." you say.

he looks up at you, his usual smirk or soft smile replaced by a pained grimace. "looks like... i messed up," he chokes out, his voice weak.

"don't talk like that," you plead, your voice shaking. "you're going to be fine. we'll get you to madam pomfrey. she'll fix you up, and everything will be okay." you say.

he shakes his head slightly, wincing at the pain. "you always were... a terrible liar," he says with a faint, sad smile. "i'm not... making it out of this one." he says.

"stop it," you say, your tears falling onto his pale face. "don't you dare give up on me. we were supposed to have more time. you can't leave me like this." you say.

"i'm sorry," he whispers, his hand reaching up to touch your cheek. "i wanted... to have more time with you too." he says.

you clutch his hand to your face, your sobs wracking your body. "i love you," you say, your voice barely more than a whisper. "i love you so much." you say.

he looks into your eyes, his own filling with tears. "i love you too," he says, his voice breaking. "always have." he says.

"then fight," you beg him, your grip on his hand tightening. "for us. please." you say.

he smiles weakly, his breathing growing more labored. "i'm sorry," he repeats, his eyes starting to close. "i'm so... tired..." he says.

"no," you cry, shaking him gently. "stay with me, theo. please, stay with me. i can't lose you." you say.

his eyes flutter open one last time, and he gazes at you with all the love he has left. "kiss me," he whispers.

you lean down, pressing your lips to his in a desperate, heartbreaking kiss. it's soft and tender, filled with all the love and pain you both feel. when you pull back, his eyes are closed, his chest still.

a broken sob escapes your lips as you hold him close, the world around you falling apart, but in that moment, all you can think about is the boy you loved and lost, his final kiss still lingering on your lips.

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