theodore nott: showing up drunk at your door

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you hear knocks at the door. you open the door to see him standing there, a bit unsteady on his feet. his eyes are bloodshot and glossed over with intoxication. "y/n," he slurs out. he stumbles forward, leaning against the doorframe for support. "i needed to see you," he mutters softly.

he takes a step closer, placing his hands on your shoulders. he stumbles forward again, pushing you back in and letting himself in. his touch is heavy and unsteady, his grip lacking coordination. "i had to come see you," he repeats, stumbling further into the room and looking around disoriented.

you stand there, slightly taken aback by his sudden appearance and drunken state. you stare at him with wide eyes, your thoughts racing. you manage to form a coherent sentence. "why- what are you doing here?"

he looks at you with a hazy gaze, his vision unfocused. he takes a few stumbling steps closer, his movements unsteady. "i just... needed to see you.. to be here.. with you," he mutters, his words slightly slurred. he brings a hand up to your face, his touch clumsy and uncoordinated.

"i... i need to tell you," he slurs out, his words barely coherent. he stumbles back a step, losing his balance. he quickly regains his footing, leaning against you for support. he takes another step closer, his body flush against yours. he buries his face in the crook of your neck, his breath coming out in uneven puffs.

he inhales deeply, taking in your scent. your heart pounds in your chest as you feel the warmth of his breath on your skin. he mumbles something incoherently against your neck, his words muffled and unclear.

he pulls away slightly, his eyes attempting to focus on your face. he reaches out, grasping your chin in his hand, his grip tight and unwavering. "i... i want you to know," he slurs, his voice husky.

he stumbles closer, his body pressing against yours. his hand slides down from your chin to your neck, his touch clumsy yet possessive. "i want you to know how i feel," he mutters, his voice laced with intoxication and something else.

"how you feel?" you respond, your voice trembling a bit. your heart pounds in your chest as you try to process his words. his touch sends a shiver down your spine, despite the circumstances. "you're drunk.." you murmur, unable to keep a hint of worry out of your voice.

he nods, a drunken smile spreading across his lips. "yeah, i am," he slurs, leaning against you heavily. "but that doesn't make what i'm saying any less true," he mutters, his hand on your neck beginning to caress your skin clumsily but affectionately.

you suck in a breath, trying to maintain your composure even as your heart races. his touch, uncoordinated yet affectionate, sends conflicting emotions coursing through you. "tell me... tell me what you're feeling,"

he leans in closer, his face mere inches from yours. his breath is hot and heavy, the scent of alcohol strong. "i..." he begins, his voice thick. his eyes, hazy and unfocused, yet somehow intense, lock onto yours. "i... i want you. i think i've always wanted you," he confesses, his words coming out shaky and slurred.

"i've tried to hide it," he continues, his hand still caressing your neck. "tried to convince myself that it was a stupid idea. but i can't. i can't keep pretending." he takes a step closer, his body pressing against yours, his voice a low rumble. "i want you. i want you so bad it hurts."

he rests his forehead against yours, his eyes hazy but earnest. "i don't know how i've kept it in for so long," he mumbles, his words becoming more difficult to comprehend. he presses his hands against your hips, his grip tight and possessive. "i can't... i can't keep lying to myself. i want you. i need you."

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