draco malfoy: haunting them after they killed you

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as he sleeps, you inch closer to him, admiring his face as his breathing remains heavy and soft. you can't help but feel a pull to be nearer, so you carefully climb onto his bed, sitting beside him.

his face looks so defenseless in his sleep, and a strange desire to plant a soft kiss on his cheek washes over you. unable to resist, you gently press your lips to his warm, soft skin.

just as you begin to pull away, he hums in his sleep, stirring slightly. his eyes flutter open, and as he slowly gains his bearings, he realizes you're sitting beside him.

he lets out a surprised gasp, quickly propping himself up on his elbows to get a better look at you. "you... what are you doing here?" he asks, his voice groggy from sleep, though he seems more surprised than annoyed.

slowly, he sits up, the covers falling around his lap. he looks at you with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. you watch as his eyes move from your face to the space on the bed next to him, contemplating. finally, he speaks. "you can... come closer if you want." he says, his voice still gruff from sleep, yet softer than before.

his invitation takes you by surprise. after haunting him for so long, he's never once invited you to come near. as you move closer, he shifts slightly to make room for you. the moment your thighs brush against his under the covers, a shiver runs through you.

you can feel the heat radiating off him even though you're technically a ghost. he seems to notice the shiver, and a small smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth.

"are you cold?" he asks, his voice still a low rumble. he moves a little closer to you, his shoulder pressing against yours. the proximity makes it hard to think, and your heart flutters in your chest.

before you can respond, he reaches out and tentatively places his hand on your thigh, sending a jolt of electricity through you. you blink, a little disoriented by the sensation of his hand on your thigh. "well, i'm dead. i can't feel cold," you say, trying to maintain your composure.

he hums in response, his thumb gently rubbing gentle circles against your skin. the action is strangely intimate, and you find yourself leaning into his touch.

he continues to rub small circles on your thigh, his eyes still slightly hooded. it's evident that he's still half asleep, his actions seemingly instinctual rather than conscious. he lets out a yawn, and his hand pauses for a moment before resuming its gentle rubbing. it's clear that he's not fully aware of what he's doing, his sleepy state making him act on impulse.

you gently nudge him, pushing him down onto the bed. he lets out a grumble, but follows your guidance, his head hitting the pillow. "sleep," you say firmly, your voice soft.

he protests for a moment, his eyes flickering open to look at you. "i don't want to," he mumbles, still half asleep.

you roll your eyes at his stubbornness. "don't argue. get some rest," you say, gently patting his chest.

he continues to grumble, but closes his eyes, seeming to give in to your insistence. his breathing begins to even out, and he slowly drifts back to sleep.

you watch as he relaxes, his face softening in the dim light of the room. you can't help but marvel at how peaceful he looks when he's asleep. after a while of watching him sleep, you lean down and place a soft kiss on his cheek. he stirs slightly, his head turning towards you.

to your surprise, he lifts his head slightly and rests it on your lap, letting out a satisfied hum. it's clear that he finds comfort in the coolness of your body, much like the cool side of a pillow. his weight on your lap is surprisingly comfortable, and you find yourself absentmindedly playing with his hair. he leans into your touch, nuzzling his face against your thigh.

as you continue to play with his hair, he mumbles something against your thigh. you strain to hear what he says, realizing it sounds like an apology. "i... i'm sorry... i was forced to do it," he murmurs, his voice muffled against your skin.

his apology catches you off guard. you knew he had killed you, but hearing him express remorse so plainly was unexpected. you continue to run your fingers through his hair, giving him a moment to speak.

he doesn't speak for a moment, his face still pressed against your thigh. he seems to be mulling over his thoughts. eventually, he speaks again, his voice barely above a whisper. "i... i never wanted to hurt you," he says, his words filled with regret.

his voice is soft and his eyes are closed, indicating that he's sleep talking. his words are slightly slurred, and he mumbles them against your skin as he drifts between sleep and consciousness. he nuzzles his face further into your lap, as if seeking comfort. "i never wanted to hurt you."

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