draco malfoy: baking something for them but they don't like it

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he sits there, completely absorbed in his books, the room mostly quiet except for the faint sounds of scratching quills and turning pages. out of the corner of his eye, he notices you approaching.

without looking up from his studies, he nonchalantly asks, "what do you want?" but as you extend a plate toward him, he finally lifts his gaze, eyes studying the offering. "and what's this?" he asks, eyeing the contents suspiciously, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

despite his reluctance, curiosity gets the better of him as he takes the plate from your hands. "fine, i'll try it," he mutters, his voice begrudging. he takes a moment to examine the contents closely before carefully selecting a piece and bringing it to his mouth.

the moment it touches his tongue, he recoils, his face contorting in disgust. quickly removing the piece, he eyes it with revulsion before looking back at you, disappointed.

"ugh, what is that?" he exclaims, distaste clear in his voice. "it tastes like a mixture of sawdust and cardboard!" he's about to make another snarky comment when your soft admission halts him.

"i made that..." you admit sheepishly, your voice small.

he blinks, surprised. "wait, you made this?" his eyes dart from the plate back to your face. he pauses, realization dawning. with a heavy sigh, he sets the plate down, his expression softening.

"you... made this? for me?" he asks, his tone a mix of disbelief and a hint of tenderness.

you nod, biting your lip nervously. "yeah... i made it for you. i thought you might like it."

he eyes you skeptically, clearly debating with himself. then, to your surprise, he picks up the piece he had took out and places it back in his mouth.

chewing slowly, his expression is guarded, but then something shifts. he swallows and takes another piece. to your surprise, he continues eating, the earlier hesitation fading with every bite. it's as if the fact that you made it changes everything.

he finishes the plate faster than you expect, occasionally glancing at you with an unreadable expression as he chews. when he's done, he sets the plate down, a faint blush on his cheeks. "it wasn't... terrible," he admits begrudgingly, clearing his throat.

"but you said it tasted like sawdust and cardboard.." you remind him.

he scoffs lightly, looking at the plate. "well, yeah, that's what i said. but... maybe i like the taste of sawdust and cardboard." he mutters, "you ever think of that?" his eyes flick up to meet yours, a trace of embarrassment in his gaze.

there's a pause as he stares at the empty plate, as if he's wrestling with some inner conflict. he looks back at you, his expression serious but tinged with a hint of affection. "but you made it. and... maybe the fact that you made it sort of changes the taste."

crossing his arms, he tries to maintain his aloof demeanor. "and maybe..." he continues grudgingly, "maybe it wasn't so bad after all. i suppose it has a certain..." he struggles for a moment before continuing, "charm, because you made it."

he looks at you directly, his gaze warm, though unflinching. he adds, his voice carrying an undertone of reluctant fondness. "that's just the effect you seem to have on things, i suppose."

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