mattheo riddle: haunting them after they killed you

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he lies on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. suddenly, the bed dips slightly, just enough for him to notice. he knows who's there. "you're back," he mutters quietly, not looking over, his voice flat and resigned.

you settle on the edge of the bed, sitting beside him. he pretends not to notice, but the air is heavy with tension, and it shows in the stiffness of his shoulders.

neither of you speaks. you sit there in silence, the only sound the steady rhythm of his breathing. a part of you almost feels bad for him, seeing him like this, but you quickly push the thought away.

after a few moments, he finally breaks the silence. "why did you disappear for three days?" he asks, his voice weary. he doesn't turn to look at you, but the exhaustion is etched into every line of his face.

you don't respond to his question, not right away. you reach out and gently trace a finger along his cheek. he stiffens at the contact, but doesn't pull away. "i had some things to do," you say finally, your voice soft. you lean closer, your lips almost touching his ear. "but i'm back now. and you've missed me, haven't you?"

he doesn't answer, but the way his body tenses when you touch him gives you all the confirmation you need. you let your hand drift down to his chest, splaying your fingers over his heart. you can feel it racing under your palm, speeding up with each touch.

"i know you have," you murmur, lowering your head to his neck. "you were all alone, thinking about me, wishing i was here with you."

he scoffs, finally turning to look at you. "you're dead," he says bluntly, "why'd you disappear for three days? what could you possibly be doing?" his gaze is sharp, studying you as if trying to figure out what game you're playing. he almost seemed like he was sulking.

you smirk back at him, shifting to straddle him in one smooth move. he gasps, his eyes widening in surprise, but he doesn't push you away. "i already told you," you say huskily, leaning down so your face is just inches from his. "i had things to do. besides, you look like you've been coping just fine without me." you run a hand through his hair, making him shiver.

he tries to resist your touch, but you can see the effect it's having on him. his breath stutters as you drag your fingers down his chest, slowly trailing along his collarbone. "i haven't been fine," he growls, but his voice is less certain now. his hands find your hips, his grip tightening. "you're so cold.."

"cold?" you echo, as you move a hand up to his face, your thumb tracing the corner of his mouth. you can feel the heat of his skin under your touch, contrasting sharply with your own coldness. "and whose fault is that?"

his jaw clenches as you speak. you both know the answer to that question. "i should kill you again for disappearing like that." he chuckles.

you give him a sly smile and lean down until your lips are hovering above his. "you wouldn't dream of it," you whisper before closing the gap and kissing him.

he sucks in a breath as your cold lips meet his, a strangled sound that sends a flare of triumph through you. he kisses you back, his hands moving up your sides to grip your hips. he groans and pulls you down, his fingers digging into your skin so hard they'd leave marks on a living person.

his kisses are fierce and possessive, like he's trying to prove something. you can feel the desperation in every touch, the way he clings to your body like you're his lifeline.

you break the kiss, pulling back just enough to look down at him.

his eyes are dark with conflicting emotions, somewhere between anger and arousal. "i hate you," he mutters between pants, his voice rough.

"oh you love me, i read your diary," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. you know the truth. it's clear in the way he's holding onto you, like he never wants to let go.

he gives a short laugh as he looks away, his jaw clenching. he's trying to deny it, to hide the fact that you're right. "shut up," he mutters, his voice tight. he moves, suddenly flipping you over so you're lying beneath him. now he's the one straddling you, pinning you to the bed.

he tries to pin you down, his weight pressing heavily against you. but your ghostly form is ephemeral, and his grip doesn't hold. you slide out from under him, easily slipping out of reach.

he lets out a frustrated sound, rolling onto his back. he shoots a glare in your direction, his eyes flickering with annoyance. "stop doing that, you can't just keep making yourself touchable and then literally air the next second." he snaps, sounding vaguely petulant.

he groans and runs a hand through his hair, a frustrated gesture. "it's driving me insane," he mutters, his voice low. "i can't even touch you properly. you're always there, just out of reach." he looks up at you, his eyes dark with desire. "i want you, damn it," he says, his voice taut. "i want you so bad it's driving me mad."

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