mattheo riddle: finding them in a bad state after you randomly disappeared

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you find him sitting on the floor, his head down, shoulders sagged, and he looked disheveled. a cigarette dangled from his lips as he sat there looking like a mess. he didn't even look up when you walked in.

you feel something strange stir within you as you approach him. your heart aches at the sight of him in such a state. you kneel before him, gently reach out, and try to lift his face to look at you. he tries to shake your hands away, but you persist, and eventually, he looks up, his eyes swollen and red from crying.

you reach up to carefully take the cigarette from his mouth and put it out. he tries to push you away, but he's too weak to fight you. "why did you come back?" he says in a tone laced with both anger and hope. "you left without a word, leaving me to suffer with no explanation."

"what do you want from me? more confusion? more pain?" the anger in his voice is evident. then he pauses and stares at you, the anger in his eyes slowly giving way to sorrow as he reaches out and gently caresses your face.

he whispers, "i hate you. i hate you." his voice is trembling, filled with a mix of pain and longing. but with each repetition, his grip on you tightens, and his embrace grows more affectionate. his voice cracks as his emotions take over, and he kisses your shoulder, his lips lingering on you.

"i can't go on like this." he pulls back slightly to look into your eyes. "if you came to hurt me again, then do it already." his words keep spilling out before you can even say anything, so you stay silent.

he pulls you closer, his hands trembling as he kisses you, his lips desperate and pleading. he presses his body against you, yearning for contact but at the same time wanting to push you away. his touch is a strange combination of aggression and tenderness, love and hatred intertwined.

he pulls back slightly, his lips hovering above yours. "i never stopped thinking about you. wherever i went, whatever i did, you were there. i tried to forget, but you haunted me. you filled my dreams and invaded my thoughts, and i couldn't escape."

he pauses, then continues, "and now you're here, in my arms, and it's all i ever wanted. but i also hate it because i know it won't last, that you'll leave again and break me all over again."

he buries his face in your hair, inhaling your scent, as his emotions threaten to overwhelm him. his grip on you tightens, and he seems almost afraid to let go. he whispers, "i love you, i hate you. you drive me insane, but i can't let you go. what have you done to me?"

he kisses your forehead, your cheeks, your neck, his hands roaming over your body. his touch grows bolder, each kiss more passionate than the last. he starts to undress you, his fingers impatiently undoing the buttons of your shirt, yearning to touch your skin. he whispers, "i hate how much i crave you."

he kisses your shoulder and collarbone, savoring your taste and touch, as if trying to memorize every inch of you. he pulls you closer, his body pressing against yours, and whispers, "i need to feel you, to know that you're real and that this isn't just a dream. i need you, please."

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