draco malfoy: sharing a bath with them as best friends

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after you endured an attack, paranoia gripped you, making it impossible to be alone, and they were too afraid to leave you by yourself. now, here you both are, sitting on opposite sides of a bathtub, with an excessive amount of bubbles filling the entire tub and covering your bare bodies.

as you sit in silence, your mind races, replaying the events that led to this moment. you can't help but wonder how everything spiraled into this, sharing a bathtub with your best friend, both of you completely exposed, the situation teetering between surreal and oddly comforting.


his cheeks turn a deep shade of red as he fidgets, averting his gaze from your body. his hand clenches the edge of the tub, as if trying to hold onto something, anything to distract himself from the overwhelming embarrassment. "i... i can't believe we're doing this," he mutters, clearing his throat.

you lean forward, your hands trailing through the water as you speak. "oh, come on, it's not that bad."

he swallows hard, his eyes briefly darting to your body before quickly looking away again. "easy for you to say..." he mumbles, his voice carrying a hint of frustration.

you tilt your head, feigning innocence as you lean closer. "what do you mean? i think it's kind of fun," you say, a playful lilt in your voice.

he shoots you a glare, his cheeks still burning. "yeah, for you maybe. but i feel so damn exposed." his fingers fidget with the bubbles, creating tiny mountains and valleys in the water.

you chuckle, enjoying his discomfort. "well, you're the one who insisted we do this together. and now you're the one being all shy." you tease, relishing the way he squirms.

he huffs, crossing his arms and sinking further into the tub. "i only insisted because i was worried about you," he says, his voice a little defensive. his expression softens slightly as he sighs. "i didn't want you to be alone. i didn't want anything to happen to you." he gazes at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and embarrassment.

he glances down at the water, watching as the bubbles float on the surface. "and this seemed like the best way to keep an eye on you," he mutters, his voice barely above a whisper.

a small smile tugs at the corners of your mouth as you watch him. "aww, you really do care, don't you?" you tease, gently splashing some water in his direction.

he cringes as water droplets land on his face, trying to shield himself. "of course i do, you idiot," he mutters, his cheeks turning redder.

you chuckle, watching as he tries to dry his face with his hands. he groans, covering his face in frustration. "this is so damn embarrassing," he mutters, his voice muffled. "i can't believe we're actually doing this."

peeking through his fingers at you, his cheeks still flushed, he asks, "do you have to keep teasing me?" a hint of irritation tinges his voice.

you grin, enjoying the effect you have on him. "oh, come on, you look adorable when you're blushing like that," you say, reaching over to gently poke his reddened cheek.

his cheeks flush even deeper as he swats your hand away. "cut it out," he grumbles, his voice cracking slightly. he sinks deeper into the water, trying to hide from your teasing.

mortified, his voice comes out as a hoarse whisper. "this is mortifying. i can't believe i'm sitting here, completely naked, with you." he sinks lower into the tub, the water rising up to his chin, his eyes fixed on the bubbles floating on the surface. he glances up at you, his eyes pleading. "can you please stop making fun of me?"

despite his pleading, you can't resist teasing him further. you flick some bubbles towards his face, watching his reaction.

the bubbles land on his cheeks, causing him to cringe. "i hate you so much right now," he grumbles, but a hint of a smile forms on his lips despite himself.

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