blaise zabini: trying to kill them but they become interested in you

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"please," he stammers, his voice tremulous. "don't hurt me." he says. he swallows hard, his throat bobbing as he tries to summon the courage to speak.

the attraction he feels towards you is growing stronger with every moment, and he finds himself almost mesmerized by the intensity in your eyes. "i... i won't fight you," he whispers, his voice barely audible. "just... please, don't kill me." he says.

he can feel his heart pounding in his chest, the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "you're so beautiful," he blurts out, the words slipping out before he can stop them.

you raise an eyebrow at his words, surprise flickering across your face. he can't believe he just said that out loud, but he can't take it back now. "i'm sorry," he says, his voice quiet and low. "i didn't mean to say that out loud." he says.

you let out a soft scoff. "you have a strange way of pleading for your life," you say.

something about your tone makes him feel emboldened. "i didn't mean to be so forward," he says, his voice quiet. "it's just... i've never met anyone like you before.. you're..." he trails off.

you lower your wand slightly, your gaze never leaving his face. "go on," you say, your voice softer now. "finish your thought. what were you going to say?" you say.

he takes a deep breath, summoning the courage to speak again. "i was going to say that you're... mesmerizing," he says, his voice quiet but firm. "i can't take my eyes off you. there's something about you that just... draws me in." he says.

"that's quite the compliment," you say after a moment. "especially coming from someone who is currently at my mercy." you say.

"i meant every word," he says, his voice steady. "i'm not just saying it to try and save my skin." he says. "i'd ask to take you out on a date if you weren't about to kill me right now." he says.

your eyes widen slightly at his bold words, and he can see a hint of surprise in your expression. "a date?" you say, your voice low and incredulous. "you're seriously asking me on a date right now?" you say.

he lets out a chuckle, his hands still held up in surrender. "hey, i figure it's worth a shot," he says, trying to sound braver than he feels. "i mean, worst case scenario, you say no and you kill me anyway, right?" he says.

"but maybe you'll say yes," he continues, his voice growing stronger. "maybe you'll take a chance on me. maybe you'll see something in me that's worth giving a shot. maybe you'll let me take you out to dinner, or a movie, or... or anything. anything you want."

he can't tell if you're going to laugh at him or maybe, just maybe, say yes to his insane request.

"come on," he says, taking a tentative step forward. "you're intrigued, i can see it in your eyes. and i know i'm taking a huge risk here, but i can't let the chance pass me by. let me take you out, just one date. that's all i ask."

"think about it," he says, stepping closer to you. "what do you have to lose? if i turn out to be a total jerk, you can always kill me after the date. but if i'm not... if i'm everything you could possibly want in a date..." he pauses. "i could be yours." he says.

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