blaise zabini: you being a vampire and biting them for the first time

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you're just cuddling close to each other when suddenly, he breaks the comfortable silence between you two and makes an unexpected request. "can you bite me?" he asks, looking at you with a mixture of curiosity and desire.

you're taken aback by his question, not expecting him to ask such a thing. "why would you want me to bite you?" you ask, your voice betraying your surprise.

he leans in closer to you, his eyes locked on yours. "i don't know," he admits, a hint of vulnerability in his gaze. "i just want to give you everything you want."

the words hit you in the chest, making your heart skip a beat. "you don't have to do that, you know," you murmur.

"i know i don't have to," he replies, his voice soft, "but i want to. i want to give you everything you need, everything you desire. and besides, i want to feel what it's like to be bitten by you."

he gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, his fingers brushing against your skin. "i want to give you everything, and i want to give you all of me." he confesses, his voice low and husky. "including my blood," he adds, his gaze never leaving yours. he's completely serious, his desire to give himself to you evident in his words and body language.

he unbuttons the top two buttons of his shirt, exposing more of his neck and collarbone to you. his gaze is vulnerable, yet determined. he's opening himself up to you, offering himself up on a silver platter.

he takes your hand in his, gently pulling it up to rest against his exposed skin. his pulse is steady under your fingertips, a slight increase in his heart rate indicating just how much he's anticipating your bite. "i'm all yours," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "take what you want, darling. it's all yours."

he tips his head back, baring his throat even more to you, his body submitting to your desires. his eyes flutter shut, his body tense with anticipation and vulnerability. the act of submitting himself to you like this is clearly something new for him, but he's willing to do it, for you. "go ahead," he breathes, his voice betraying a hint of excitement. "i'm yours to take."

the words send a shiver down your spine, his submission to you makes you ache in anticipation. you lean in closer to him, your mouth hovering just above the pulse point in his neck.

you can hear the steady, yet quickening, beat of his heart, his pulse a steady thrum beneath your lips. you take a moment to appreciate the fact that he's entrusting you with this vulnerability, before sinking into his skin.

his breath hitches in his throat as your fangs break through the skin, his body tensing up immediately. a strangled sound escapes his lips, half gasp, half groan, as the pain and pleasure mingle together.

you can feel him shudder against you, his body torn between the instinct to pull away and the desire to stay. he keeps his head tipped back, allowing you to bite him without protest.

as you take your fill, you're struck by the intimacy of the moment. he's giving himself to you in the most literal sense, allowing you to drink his life force right from his veins. he trusts you implicitly, trusts you not to take too much, to stop when it's time.

once you've had your fill, you gently retract from his skin, your mouth leaving a trail of kisses across his neck. you can feel the rapid beat of his heart, still thundering in his chest.

you look up at him, taking in his flushed cheeks and heavy-lidded eyes. he looks utterly wrecked, his body still trembling with the aftermath of your bite. "how do you feel?"

he takes a moment to get his bearings back, panting softly as he looks at you. "like i'm flying," he murmurs, voice rough and raw. "like i'm high on something, on you."

he reaches up and touches the spot on his neck you bit, his fingers gently tracing over the sore, sensitive skin. "i've never experienced anything like that before," he admits, his voice quiet and reverent. "it was like nothing else mattered except you. your touch, your teeth, your lips. i was completely yours in that moment, body and soul."

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