theodore nott: drunk texting them after breaking up

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he climbs the steep stairway of the astronomy tower, the creaking steps echoing in the quiet night

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he climbs the steep stairway of the astronomy tower, the creaking steps echoing in the quiet night. as he finally reaches the top, there you are, sitting against the cold stone wall, a bottle of something in your hand.

he approaches you slowly, taking in the sight of your red-rimmed eyes and slurred speech. he sits down next to you, taking the bottle from your grip. "what were you thinking?" he asks, his voice a mix of frustration and worry.

you try to reach for the bottle, your fingers grasping at nothing but empty air. "give it back," you slur, your voice a mix of drunken demand and desperation.

he holds the bottle out of your grasp, shaking his head. "no way," he replies, his tone firm. "you've had enough."

you huff, a pout forming on your lips as you stumble in your attempt to stand up. "i can handle it," you protest, trying to sound defiant, but the slur in your words betrays your state.

he stands up, moving to catch you as you stumble. "yeah, sure you can," he retorts, his voice dry. he wraps an arm around your waist, supporting you as you wobble in your drunkenness.

you lean into his touch, your body seeking support as your drunken mind struggles to maintain balance. "just let me have one more drink," you plead, your voice a whine.

he lets out a sharp exhale, his eyes fixed on your face. "no, you're done for the night," he states firmly, not budging an inch. he guides you back to the wall, making sure you're seated before he crouches down in front of you.

his gaze softens as he looks at you, a mixture of concern and resignation in his eyes. "why did you do this?" he asks, his voice softer now. "why did you text me, knowing i would come for you?"

your voice is a whisper, the weight of drunken honesty in your words. "i didn't actually think... you would come..." you mutter, your eyes downcast, avoiding his gaze. "you can just... leave me here..."

his eyes widen at your words, the vulnerability in them striking a chord within him. he reaches for your chin, gently lifting your face so you're looking at him. "you really thought i'd leave you here, like this?" he asks, disbelief and hurt lacing his voice.

you try to look away, but his grip is gentle yet firm, keeping your gaze on his. "you... you should go..." you mumble, your drunken words a poor attempt at sounding indifferent.

he takes a deep breath, his eyes locked on yours. "no, i'm not going anywhere," he replies, his voice firm. he sits down beside you, his shoulder brushing against yours. "i'm staying right here, with you."

you're silent for a moment, his presence a steady comfort in the drunken haze. you lean your head against his shoulder, a small gesture of acceptance. "why are you doing this?" you mumble, your words slurring together.

he exhales softly, his arm reflexively wrapping around your shoulders to pull you closer. "because i care about you," he murmurs, his voice soft yet earnest.

he pauses for a moment, his fingers tracing small circles on your shoulder. "i care about you," he repeats, his voice quieter now, filled with a mix of tenderness and lingering pain. "i can't just leave you like this. i can't leave you when you're in this state, and i can't leave you when you're feeling this alone."

his words hang in the air between you, heavy with unspoken emotions. he turns his head to look at you, your head still resting against his shoulder. "i know... i know things ended badly between us," he says, his voice a low murmur. "but that doesn't mean i stopped caring for you."

he tenses imperceptibly, his fingers stilling on your shoulder for a moment before resuming their gentle motion. "or loving you," he adds, his voice a little hoarse. "i never stopped loving you."

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