mattheo riddle: finding what they wrote in their diary about you

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as you sat with him on his bed, proudly showing you doodles and drawings he had made in his notebook. "this one's my favorite," he says, pointing to a detailed sketch of you. "i spent hours getting the shading just right."

suddenly, a knock on the door interrupts your conversation. he gets up to answer it, leaving you alone with the notebook. curious, you open it to look at more of his drawings. but as you flip through the pages, you stumble upon things he wrote about you.

the diary entries were filled with an unexpected level of obsession. they contained thoughts and feelings that went beyond friendly admiration. as you read further, you found descriptions of dreams involving you, meticulously detailing each and every move you made. there were even sketches of you in various scenarios, each one more intense than the last.

the sound of the front door closing alerts you that he has returned. quickly, you shut the notebook and place it back where you found it, trying to act as casual as possible. he saunters back into the room, a smile on his face.

"who was it?" you ask, your voice slightly trembling.

he plops down beside you, seemingly nonchalant. "just a friend asking for a favor," he replies, his eyes fixated on you. "you okay? you look a little flushed."

your heart hammering in your chest, you force a smile. "yeah, i'm fine. just got a bit warm in here all of a sudden." you discreetly adjust your position, trying to put a little distance between you two.

he quirks an eyebrow, noticing your subtle retreat. "you sure? you look like you've seen a ghost." he reaches out a hand, gently touching your forehead. "you feel a bit warm."

a wave of panic washes over you as his hand makes contact with your skin. the heat of his touch only accentuates the coldness you feel inside. you feign a casual laugh, pulling away gently. "it's nothing, really. probably just a little dizzy from staring at your drawings for so long." you say.

he smirks, leaning back against the headboard. "you like them that much, huh?" he pats the spot next to him, gesturing for you to sit closer. "come here, i've got something else to show you."

you hesitate for a moment, torn between keeping your distance and satisfying your curiosity. slowly, you scoot closer to him, maintaining a small gap. he picks up the notebook from beside him and opens to a new page.

"this one's still a work in progress," he says, turning the notebook so you can see. the half-finished sketch is of you, but there's an air of possessiveness in the way he's drawn you. the lines are bold, almost as if he's trying to claim you as his own.

his hand absent-mindedly traces the outline of the sketch. "this one's special," he says, his voice dropping to a whisper as he then pauses. "i know you looked through my notebook."

your heart skips a beat, and you freeze. how did he know? you swallow hard, your mind racing for an excuse. but before you can say anything, he snaps the notebook shut and turns to face you directly.

his eyes meet yours, and there's a hint of something sinister behind his casual expression. "i don't mind, you know," he says casually. "i wanted you to find it."

a knot forms in your stomach at his words. it feels like he's playing some kind of game with you. you force yourself to look unfazed, trying to play it cool. "yeah? and why's that?"

he leans in closer, his voice dropping to a husky tone. "because now you know how much i want you," he whispers, his breath hot on your ear. "every inch of you, all to myself."

you pull back slightly, trying to create some distance between you two. "and what if i don't want to be yours?"

he laughs, a dark, mocking sound. "it doesn't matter what you want," he says, his voice dripping with possessiveness. he reaches out, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him. "you're mine, whether you realize it or not."

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