lorenzo berkshire: finding them in a bad state after you randomly disappeared

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you enter the room and see him sitting at his desk, mindlessly cutting paper. it's like he's in a trance, caught up in his own world. you approach him and reach out to touch his shoulder, he flinches, as if woken from a nightmare.

he looks up at you, and for a moment, his eyes brighten, but then he quickly looks away, hiding his emotions behind his usual mask. "the hell are you doing here..?" he asks, his voice cold and distant.

"i missed you," you say hesitantly, and for a moment, you think you see a flicker of emotion in his eyes, but it's gone as quick as it comes.

"i don't want to hear it," he says, dismissing your words before returning his attention to the piece of paper he was mindlessly cutting.

as you stand there, unsure of how to help him, you see the small cuts on his fingers. "what are you doing?" you ask.

he rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed that you are still there. "do you have to ask everything? i'm cutting paper. obviously." his tone is harsh, and it stings, but you know he's just trying to put up a front.

you take a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "no, i mean why are you cutting paper like that? you're going to hurt yourself." you look at the cuts on his fingers, some more recent than others, and the small droplets of blood forming on the edges.

he looks down at his fingers, and for a moment, he seems surprised at the cuts, like he didn't even notice he was hurting himself. "it's nothing," he grumbles, his voice now a little softer. "just needed to cut something, no big deal."

"you need to be careful, please. let me help you." you reach for the paper and scissors, gently taking them away from him. "come on, let's get your fingers cleaned up."

he doesn't resist as you guide him to the bathroom. as you clean his cuts with antiseptic and band-aid them, you notice his hands shaking slightly. you finish bandaging his wounds, he stays standing just slightly behind you, still silent. then, you feel his touch, his other hand gently touching your arm, hesitant and tentative. you turn to look at him, and the mask he was wearing has crumbled.

he slowly leans in, his eyes fixed on your lips. and as his lips finally touch yours, all the pain and worry disappears for a moment. but all too soon, he pulls away, leaving you both breathless and shaken.

"why did you run away?" he asks, his voice barely a whisper. "why did you-" his pain and frustration spill over, and he cuts himself off by kissing you again. this time, it's more frantic, desperate, as if he's pouring all his feelings into this kiss. you return it, pouring your own emotions into the kiss, letting it consume both of you.

as you break apart, both of you are left panting and trying to catch your breath. "i missed you," he says softly, his voice shaky. "i was terrified something happened to you and i'd never get to see you again." he buries his face into your shoulder, clinging onto you.

you hold him tightly, running your fingers through his hair, trying to soothe him. "i'm here now, i won't leave again," you reassure him, planting reassuring kisses on his cheek and neck. "promise?" he asks, his voice small and vulnerable, like a child asking for reassurance.

he clings onto you, like he's afraid you'll disappear at any moment. his body trembles slightly, and you can feel the vulnerability in his grip. he presses closer to you, as if trying to merge into you, as if he can't bear to be even an inch away from you. "promise me," he whispers, his voice desperate and barely audible. "i can't go through that again."

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