it's a strange feeling, having something you've wanted so badly and then losing it again and again. an endless cycle.
i wish i could stay there with you, in your world. nothing here seems to have any real meaning now, nothing compares to the feeling of being with you. i'll never forget the smell of your hair, the taste of your lips. i feel like i only start living when i'm with you.
stupid. that's what i am. stupid. i should've never reached out to you. i should've kept my problems and dreams to myself. but i didn't, and you understood. you understood me better than anyone ever has. and now, i can't imagine living without you. why? why did i fall for you? why did i let myself hope for something that felt so right but was so fleeting? why do you have to be the one i love?
that's the dumbest question i've ever asked. it's obvious why. you're incredible. you're everything i've always wanted. i feel safe with you. but that's exactly the problem. i'm used to the constant fear. now that i know what it's like to feel safe, what happens when it all comes crumbling down? what happens when i lose you?

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Fanfiction@brandolover21 on tiktok not proof read, sorry if there's any mistakes!