mattheo riddle: writing about shifting for you

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i want to talk to her for hours, about anything and everything. i want to make her laugh at my jokes, have her listen to my stories, and just feel like we've known each other forever. but i can't. i don't know how.

every time i try it feels like i'm fumbling in the dark, trying to reach something i can't. it's like i'm so close but just out of reach. i want to be with her, to really connect, but it's frustrating not knowing how to make it happen.

is it bullshit? is it even worth it? trying so hard to reach her when it seems impossible? but the thought of not even trying is even more heartbreaking. i want her. and anything is more than worth it for her.

i want to touch her in every way i can. i want to wrap my arms around her, feel her body pressed against mine, and kiss her the way she wants me to. what would it be like to hear her say my name? to hear her moan my name? i want to feel her skin against mine, to taste every part of her. it's all i want, to really feel and have her. but i'm scared that i might never get the chance to do that, to have her completely.

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