mattheo riddle: trying to break up with them but they're crazy

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you're in the middle of a heated argument and the frustration reaches its boiling point. the words slip out of your mouth before you can even realize it. "i can't do this anymore, i want to break up," you say, your voice firm and resolute. the room falls silent for a moment, the gravity of the statement hanging in the air.

he stands there, his eyes widening in shock. he struggles to process what you've just said, his lips parting slightly as if to say something. but no sound comes out.

he stands there in stunned silence for a moment, his expression shifting as if fighting with his thoughts. then, suddenly, like a switch flipping, he becomes desperate and affectionate. he takes a step closer, his eyes pleading.

"please, don't do this," he says, his voice breaking slightly. "you don't understand. i love you. i can't lose you. i can't live without you." he grabs your hands, clutching them tightly, pleading with you.

his eyes fill with desperation and he continues, his tone growing more frantic. "i would do anything for you. i'll change, i swear. just don't leave me. i'm nothing without you." he swallows hard, his voice trembling. "if you leave me, i don't know what i'd do. i couldn't bear the pain. i might as well die. do you want that? you want me dead?"

you look at him, conflicted, part of you wants to give in, to comfort him and tell him you won't leave. but another part knows that this relationship is hurting both of you. you take a deep breath, trying to find words that won't escalate the situation further. "mattheo," you say quietly, gently extracting your hands from his grip. "i'm not trying to hurt you. i just can't continue like this."

he steps closer, desperation and pleading visible in his eyes. "please," he almost whispers, his voice thick with emotion. "i'm begging you. don't do this. i can't handle losing you. you're my everything. you can't just walk away from everything we have. we can work it out, i know we can." his hands reach for you again, but he stops himself just short of grabbing you.

your heart sinks at his words. you're taken aback by the intensity of his reaction. you look into his eyes, seeing the desperation and pain there. you feel a mixture of guilt and worry, yet you don't budge. "no.. i can't- i can't do this anymore."

he flinches at your words, his eyes narrowing slightly. his expression is a mix of hurt and frustration. "you don't get it," he says, his voice low and intense. "you don't understand what you mean to me. you can't just leave."

his voice becomes more desperate, his hands clenching into fists. "i love you so much. do you have any idea how lost i'll feel without you? i can't live without you. i only live for you."

you don't give in, trying to maintain your composure. "mattheo," you say softly, taking a step back to distance yourself from him.

but his reaction is immediate and he suddenly loses control. he clenches his jaw, his emotions boiling over, and suddenly he slams his fist against the wall forcefully, creating a loud thud and a visible hole in the plaster. "fuck!" he yells, his voice filled with anger and desperation. "you don't understand what you're doing to me! you're fucking killing me!"

the violence of his temper startles you and you instinctively take a step back. you've seen his anger before, but rarely this intense. seeing the hole in the wall makes you realize just how emotional he's becoming, how much control he's losing.

he looks at the hole in the wall, then back at you, his expression a mix of anger and desperation. "do you see what you're doing to me?" he asks, his voice low and menacing. "do you see what you're driving me to? this is your fault."

he takes a step closer, his body tense, like a coiled spring ready to snap. "you're breaking me," he says through clenched teeth.

"i can't handle this. you're tearing me apart. you're destroying us." he lifts his hands towards you, as if he might grab you again, but then stops himself, scared he might physically hurt you. his fists clenching once more.

he suddenly notices the look on your face, a mixture of fear and sadness. he sees the tears welling up in your eyes, and it's like another switch flicks in him. suddenly, his expression changes again, and he becomes gentle. he cups your cheeks in his hands, his touch surprisingly tender.

he looks into your eyes, his own filled with pleading. "please," he says, his voice shaking, "please don't cry. i don't want to hurt you. i could never hurt you. you know that, right?"

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