mattheo riddle: sharing a bath with them as best friends

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after you endured an attack, paranoia gripped you, making it impossible to be alone, and they were too afraid to leave you by yourself. now, here you both are, sitting on opposite sides of a bathtub, with an excessive amount of bubbles filling the entire tub and covering your bare bodies.

as you sit in silence, your mind races, replaying the events that led to this moment. you can't help but wonder how everything spiraled into this, sharing a bathtub with your best friend, both of you completely exposed, the situation teetering between surreal and oddly comforting.


finally, the silence becomes too much to bear, and you speak up, your voice breaking the heavy atmosphere. "you know... i don't think this was necessary."

"better safe than sorry," he replies, his gaze fixed on you. his eyes trail over your body, making your skin tingle. "besides, isn't this therapeutic for you or something? i read somewhere that bathing with friends can be quite healthy."

you respond with a mix of amusement and disbelief in your voice. "where the hell did you read that? that sounds like some made-up rubbish, honestly."

he chuckles, his gaze flickering over your body again. "i read it in a muggle magazine, actually. they have some interesting ideas about bathing together for stress relief."

you retort, a playful accusation in your tone. "yeah, right. i bet this was your plan all along, just trying to get me into a tub with you, wasn't it?"

he smirks, raising an eyebrow. "well, i won't deny that i didn't mind the idea... but it was really for your own good, i swear."

you roll your eyes but can't help but smile. "yeah, because sitting in a tub with my best friend, both of us naked as the day we were born, is the perfect recipe for stress relief. totally logical."

he laughs, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "hey, i never said it would be logical. but i do believe it'll make you feel better. after all, having me here to protect you eases your mind, doesn't it?" he reaches out and gently brushes a strand of hair away from your face, his touch tender and comforting. "i'd do anything to ease your mind, you know that, right?"

he then slowly moves closer to you, the water sloshing gently as he closes the gap between you. he grins, his eyes twinkling. "speaking of, mind giving me a quick back massage? i've got some tense muscles from all the stress."

you raise an eyebrow, a playful smile on your lips. "aren't i supposed to be the one receiving the massage here?"

he shrugs, feigning innocence. "well, who said we can't help each other?" he turns around, presenting his back to you, the muscles of his shoulders and back tense and knotted.

you take a moment to admire his muscular back, then gently press your hands against his skin, feeling the tension beneath your fingers. you begin to knead and massage his muscles, working out the knots and tightness.

he lets out a low moan, his head falling forward in relaxation. "gods... that feels so good." he glances back at you, a sly look in his eyes. "you know, you're pretty good at this..."

he continues, his voice low and appreciative. "you really know how to work those fingers of yours..." he moves a hand behind him, tracing a light path down your bare leg.

you chuckle and playfully slap his back lightly. "don't get any ideas, you cheeky bastard."

he winces but laughs, enjoying the playfulness between you two. "ouch, you wound me." he retorts jokingly, pretending to be hurt.

he turns back around to face you, a mock pout on his lips. "that was quite harsh, you know. i think i deserve some sort of compensation for the damage to my ego." he leans back against the tub, his arms resting on the edge.

you roll your eyes but can't help but smile. "oh, really? and just what kind of compensation did you have in mind?" you reply.

he shrugs nonchalantly, a sly smile plastered on his face. "oh, i'm sure we can come up with something..." he then reaches out and grabs your ankle, gently tugging you closer to him.

you feign annoyance but secretly enjoy the way he's holding onto you. "and what exactly are you doing?" you ask, trying to sound stern, though there's a hint of a smile in your voice.

he grins and pulls you even closer, his grip on your ankle firm but gentle. his hands move up your leg, his touch soft yet possessive, until he reaches your knee. "just bringing you closer. can't have you sitting all the way over there."

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