the two of you remained in silence now, laying next to one another, your backs turned to each other, still feeling each others intense presences. there was a palpable sense of tension hanging in the air. the atmosphere in the room was quite thick and stagnant.
the only sound to be heard in the room was the breathing of the two of you, and the subtle creaking of the bed as the two of you shifted in it every so often.
the last time the two of you had actually exchanged any sort of physical affection, was what? months ago? it was obvious that the relationship had become quite strained lately, between your boyfriend's obsession with being right and his constant questioning of your decisions.
you had slowly grown apart from each other, and the relationship had deteriorated from the very things that had attracted you to him in the first place. it was rather depressing.
silence continued to prevail between the two of you in the darkened room, and you began to notice that his breathing was actually becoming louder and heavier.
suddenly, you could hear him mutter something.
his voice was low as he spoke, and yet, you could hear his subtle breath in between each word.
"it's cold..." he whispers, you could hear him yawn and shift in bed slightly, his back still turned to you as he spoke.
you hear him speak. you notice you were hogging the blanket, so you move a bit and let him have a part of it.
you feel his shoulders shift a bit as he shuffles around more in bed, trying to get comfortable.
he moves until finally, his back was snuggled up right up against yours, the two of you now laying pressed up against each other.
as he shifts again, his breathing becomes more audible in the quiet room, and you could hear him mumble again, his voice low and almost sleep like. "that's not what i meant.." he mumbles.
you hear him but you stay silent as you kept facing the other way.
"it's cold in the sense that we're not touching..." he mumbles again, his deep, mellow voice sounding very calm and relaxed.
"it's not that cold.." you whisper.
his body tenses slightly at your denial, his voice still very low and relaxed as he replies back to you. "it is..." he whispers, a very unusual, yet, soft and intimate tone for him.
"i can get you another blanket." you say.
"no..." he replies back quietly, his voice once more having that soft, intimate tone to it.
there was a quiet pause before he continued to speak. "just let me hold you..." he whispers softly, almost sounding like he was begging.
"please..." he whispers again, his voice sounding even softer and more intimate this time around.
you could tell that he was being honest, that he truly did want to hold you. he had typically refused to beg for anything. the fact that he was doing so now spoke volumes about the state of his feelings in this moment.
"why?" you say.
he remains quiet for a bit, before speaking gently once more. "can we not try to argue tonight?" he whispers softly, his voice becoming soft, delicate, and intimate again.
he could tell that you weren't going to back down from this.
your stubborn and defiant behavior was one of the many things that he both loved and hated about you.
there was another quiet pause now as you both continued to lay there in silence, pressed up against each other.
"look at me..." he whispers once more, his voice low and gentle.

slytherin boys react
Fanfiction@brandolover21 on tiktok not proof read, sorry if there's any mistakes!