tom riddle: you as their stalker

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-a few days later

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-a few days later

you feel a shiver of fear run down your spine as you read his messages

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you feel a shiver of fear run down your spine as you read his messages. they are direct, demanding, and leave you feeling trapped. despite your apprehension, you know you can't ignore him anymore. with trembling hands, you gather your courage and decide to confront him, hoping to resolve this once and for all.

you make your way to his dormitory, heart pounding with each step. the hallways seem eerily quiet as you approach his door. taking a deep breath, you knock hesitantly.

seconds later, the door swings open, revealing him standing there with a serious expression. he gestures for you to enter, and you reluctantly step inside, feeling vulnerable and exposed.

he closes the door behind you, and you turn to face him, unsure of what to say. his gaze is intense, probing, as if searching for answers in your eyes.

"why have you been following me?" he asks, his voice low and controlled.

you swallow hard, trying to find the right words. "i... i just wanted to get to know you," you finally admit, your voice barely above a whisper.

his expression softens slightly, but there's still a hint of frustration. "you wanted to get to know me? by stalking me?" he says.

you feel a wave of guilt wash over you. "i was just... curious." you say.

he sighs, running a hand through his hair. "curiosity can be dangerous," he says. "you can't just invade my privacy like that." he says.

"i know," you reply, feeling nervous and afraid. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean for things to turn out like this." you say.

he studies you for a moment, his gaze searching. "do you promise to stop?" he asks.

you nod. "yes, i promise. i'll leave you alone." you say.

he nods, "good. you don't want any trouble." he says.

"i understand," you say softly, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "i'll go now."

as you turn to leave, he calls out softly, "wait."

you hesitate, turning back to face him. he looks conflicted, as if battling with his own thoughts.

"let's start over," he suggests tentatively. "properly." he says.

you blink in surprise, not expecting his offer. "really?" you say.

he nods, a small smirk playing on his lips. "no more secrets or hidden agendas." he says. "i'll let you get to know me." he says.

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